1. (verb) (-ina) to pass by, disappear.
Ahakoa kāore i kopaina te auhi, te poreirewa ki te kupu i mua tonu i tō aroaro, mā te aha rā i ēnei kupu iti kua tuhia nei - engari anō tēnei i te kore rawa atu nei! (HM 4/2009:4) / Although the grief and yearning did not disappear with words spoken in your presence, or with these few words that have been written here - this is better than nothing!
Synonyms: whakatipi, kape, tohipa, tāhapa, numi, pahemo, pahure, paneke, whakahipa, whakataha, taha, tīpoka, pahika, hiemi, hihipa, hemo, hipa, whakatataha
2. (verb) to fly away, fly.
He toroa awe nui e kopa ana ia ki te muri (TJ 11/5/1899). / An albatross of great strength flying to the north.