2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to go direct.
Me tīpoka ake, kai roa (HKW 1/7/1902:11). / We should go in a direct route, not the long one.
3. (verb) (-hia,-ia,-ria) to cut open, slit open.
Ka oti te hunuhunu, kua reri te poaka ki te tīpoka. Tangoa mai ngā terotero, te puku, me ngā ate ki waho (TWK 31:19). / When singeing the pig is done, we're ready to slit it open. Remove the intestines, stomach and the liver.
4. (noun) direct route, going directly.
Ko te tangata e hiahia ana kia nehua ia ki taua urupā, me mātua tīraha anō ki te marae mō tētahi wā; kāore e pai te tīpoka atu ki te urupā (HJ 2015:234). / The person wanting to be buried in that cemetery must first lie on the marae for a time; going directly to the burial ground is not appropriate.