



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to argue, persist, insist, contend with, press for, persevere, refuse, object, protest, try, dispute.

Otirā i turi te nuinga ki tana kupu, nō reira ka tīkina e ia tana pū hurihuri, ka mea, mehemea ka tohe rātou ka pūhia e ia, turi tonu tētahi o ngā tāngata, pūhia ana e ia ka tū ki te hūwhā (TWMNT 14/5/1873:53). / But the majority were deaf to his statement, and so he went and got his revolver and said that if they persisted he would shoot them and one of the men still would not listen, so he shot him, wounding him in the thigh.

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Synonyms: hohota, kupu whakahē, porotēhi, mautohe, porotēhe, takakawe, hotahota, tautotohe, tautohe, tautohetohe, whaiwhairoroa, whakapekapeka, kapurangi, kape, para, whakahoe, whakapeka, whakanau, hawa, huru, ota, takunetanga, whakatoitoi, whakakāhore, taonga, rawa, tohetohe, tarawene, mea, ahanoa

2. (noun) persistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, obduracy.

Kua pukuriri a Te Rangihaeata i te pūtohe o te iwi nei, ka kī ia, he taringa kurī kē pea ō Te Kāeaea i kaha ai te tohe mai (TTR 1990:266). / Te Rangihaeata became angry at the persistence of that tribe and he said that Te Kāeaea must have dog's ears, since he was so obdurate.

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Synonyms: whakaioio, kōioio, tūkaha, pukutohe

3. (noun) perseverance, insistence, argument, persistence, contention, objection.

Ka tuaruatia anō e ia tana tohe kia maha atu ngā mema Māori i te Pāremata (TTR 1994:122). / He also repeated his argument that the number of Māori members in Parliament should be increased.

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Synonyms: kupu whakahē, tarawene, nawe, mautohe, whakatoitoi, whakaepaepa, hiringa, tohetohe, mau tūmārō, pūnoke, urupū, pāuaua, ngana, manawanui, whakapau kaha, pūtohe, totohe, pukutohe, pūkeke, whakapūmau

4. (noun) 'tonsils' in the mouth of a pūkāea.

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