1. (verb) to be strong, persevering, enterprising.
I te whakanohoanga iho o taku puni i konei, rahi rawa te hiahia o aua rangatira tokorua kia takahoa mai ki a au, ā, pāuaua ana rāua ki te mahi i ngā tikanga i manakohia e au (TKM.MM 28/9/1863:15). / Since my camp has been stationed here, both chiefs have very keen to befriend me and they have done their utmost to accommodate my plans.
2. (modifier) strong, persevering, enterprising, determined.
Me anga te titiro ki a ia, hei tuarā kia kaha ake ai tātou ki ngā mea pāuaua (TWMNT 8/6/1875:128). / We must look to Him as support to overcome the difficulties.
3. (noun) persistence, perseverance, enterprise, strength, determination, tenacity.
Ā ko te putanga o tō mātou kaha, me tā mātou pāuaua, ko tēnei whare ātaahua e nohoia nei e tātou (TWMNT 8/6/1875:127). / And the result of our strength and enterprise is this beautiful building in which we are sitting.
Synonyms: tohe, ngana, manawanui, whakapau kaha, hiringa, tohetohe, urupū, pūnoke, mau tūmārō, pūtohe, totohe, pukutohe, pūkeke, whakapūmau