



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to argue, persist, contend with, press for, persevere, refuse, object, protest.

Ka ikapahi mai ngā kaiako ki tō mātou marae whakawhiti whakaaro ai, tohetohe ai, whiriwhiri tahi ai, whakatau anō ai hoki i ngā take e pā ana ki tō tātau reo. / The teachers came together at our marae to exchange ideas, to argue, to discuss together and to make decisions about matters concerning our language.

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Synonyms: whaiwhairoroa, hohota, whakakāhore, mea, tarawene, tohe, rawa, taonga, whakatoitoi, ahanoa, takunetanga, porotēhe, mautohe, porotēhi, kupu whakahē, tautohetohe, tautotohe, takakawe, hotahota, tautohe, kapurangi, kape, para, whakahoe, whakapeka, whakanau, hawa, huru, ota, whakapekapeka

2. (modifier) persistent, obstinate, stubborn.

Nō te hanepītanga o tēnei mahi tohetohe ka whakamātauria mā te ture Pākehā me ana tikanga tōrangapū e whakatikatika (TTR 1990:113). / When this protest activity failed there was an attempt to achieve justice within the Pākehā judicial and political framework.

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Synonyms: papamārō, pukutohetohe, taumārō, pake, mōtohe, whakatuturi, hōkeke, whakaturi, taringa pākura, kakī mārō, turi, ngana, makiki, kōioio, whakatete, whakatohe, whātuturi, hoi, kōroiroi, pukutohe, pūkeke, houkeke, upoko mārō, pūtohe, taikaha, manawanui, hihiri, pikoni, aumangea, niwaniwa, pakepake, urupū, manawa rahi, pūnoke

3. (noun) perseverance, insistence, argument, persistence, contention.

Nā tāna tohetohe mā te pakanga rā anō e parekura te riri, ka riro i a ia te tūranga kaiārahi i ngā kūpapa o reira (TTR 1990:17). / His argument was that there should be a military resolution and he gained the leadership of the pro-government Māori there.

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Synonyms: whakapau kaha, urupū, pūnoke, mau tūmārō, pāuaua, tohe, ngana, manawanui, hiringa, whakapūmau, pūkeke, pukutohe, totohe, pūtohe

4. (noun) uvula.

Tētahi tohu o te tīmatanga kohi, ko te mā o te pito whakamuri o runga o te waha, o te tohetohe (TTT 1/8/1929:1053). / One of the symptoms of the onset of tuberculosis is white on the back part of the top of the mouth, of the uvula.

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5. (noun) 'tonsils' in the mouth of a pūkāea.

6. (noun) reed.

Ka puta ōna oro i te pupuhi hau ki te tapa o tētahi puare, hei whakatōiri rānei i tētahi tohetohe (RTP 2015:77). / Its sound comes from blowing air on the edge of a hole, or by causing a reed to vibrate.

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