1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to oppose persistently, protest, take a stand against, take issue with, continually oppose.
I mautohetia ngā whenua i Pari-ā-rua me Te Awakairangi (TTR 1990:302). / The land at Porirua and the Hutt Valley was continually disputed.
Synonyms: tohetohe, kupu whakahē, porotēhi, porotēhe, tohe
2. (modifier) protesting, opposing.
Kei roto te hanga tautoko e pakipaki ana, e umere ana, kei waho te hanga mautohe e kaioraora ana (PK 2008:73). / The supporters were inside clapping and applauding, while outside the protestors were acting menacingly.
Synonyms: tautohe, whakatete, whakakāhore, ātete, tāwari, tauwhāinga, tautētete
3. (noun) protest, objection, disapproval, complaint.
He kaha te mautohe a Te Mete ki te tāke kurī i utaina e ngā kaunihera ā-rohe i te tekau tau atu i 1890 (TTR 1994:95). / Te Mete was strongly opposed to the dog tax imposed by county councils in the 1890s.
Synonyms: tarawene, tohe, nawe, whakatoitoi, whakaepaepa, kupu whakahē