1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to oppose, resist, treat roughly, afront.
Nā ngā mahi ātete ā-tinana i ngā kairūri i roto i Te Urewera, i tau ai te mōrearea ki runga i ngā take whenua (TTR 1994:11). / In the Urewera physical resistance to the surveyors engendered a sense of alarm over the land issues.
2. (modifier) resistant, anti, opposing, unwilling.
Kua kitea mai ōna tāngata whakauaua, ōna tāngata ātete i ā tātou kaupapa reo Māori (HM 4/1994:11). / His reluctant and resistant people to our Māori language cause had been revealed.
Synonyms: turi, tautētete, tauwhāinga, whakakāhore, whakatete, mautohe, tāwari
3. (noun) resistance.
Ko te take i whakakaokao ai he haere ki te āwhina i te ātete a Waikato i ngā hōia a te kāwanatanga e urutomo ana i tō rātau rohe (TTR 1994:152). / The reason that they gathered together was to go to assist Waikato's resistance against government forces invading their territory.