1. (verb) (-a) to dispute, confront, oppose, challenge.
Kīhai i roa, ka āhua tautētete aua rangatira o aua tini pā, arā tāone, ki a rātou anō, ka tahuri he pā ka whawhai ki ētahi o aua pā rā anō (TW 15/6/1878:300). / It wasn't long before those chiefs of the many towns were challenging each other and some towns set about attacking others of those towns.
2. (modifier) disputing, confronting, opposing, challenging.
Kua whati ngā hoa tautētete a Kāwana Kerei o te pāremata (TW 29/6/1878:325). / Governor Grey's opposition in parliament have fled.
Synonyms: tauwhāinga, tāwari, ātete, whakakāhore, whakatete, mautohe
3. (noun) opposition, opponent, rival, challenger.
Ka kīia te kī o te tautētete, ā, ka toa ko Kāwana Kerei mā (TW 29/6/1878:325) / The statement about the opposition is made and Governor Grey and his colleagues have won.
Synonyms: wheinga, whewheia, kaitāwari, hoariri, hoa tautohe, hoa kakari, whakahē, kaikiri, kātata, tāwhai, tauwhāinga