1. (verb) (-hia,-ia,-kia,-kina) to strike repeatedly, beat up, batter, lash, pound.
Nā te hau kino i tātā te kānga - e kore pea e ora ake anō (PK 2008:874). / The wind battered the corn - it probably won't revive.
Synonyms: tukituki, koheri, whakarorerore, mimire, ruruku, whiu, whiwhita, rona, karawhiu, mīmiro, tui, tauhere, kōmekemeke, pātuki, pāuna, hamahama, pehu, patupatu, poutuki, whākuru, tuki, kuru, kurukuru, pao, āki
2. (verb) (-kina,-kia) to cut up (with an axe), break into pieces (by dashing on the ground).
Tātākina ā tātou wahie kia matariki (W 1971:190). / Cut up our firewood so that it is small pieces.
3. (verb) (-ia,-tia) to oppose, contradict, criticise, express disapproval, censure, reprimand, find fault with.
Kāore pea he tangata i tua atu i a au i pēnei rawa te kaha o te tātā i te hunga reo tuarua nei e noho nei hei kaiwhakaako, hei kaiwhakatauira mai i te reo (HM 4/10:5). / There is probably nobody who is more critical of the second language speakers who are teachers and role models of the language.
Synonyms: whakatūpehupehu, kohete, kowhete, koeka, kōwhetewhete, tautētete, tū, tāwari, ātete, whakatete