2. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to lash, bind with cord.
Ko ēnei tū tangata kia tika te whakahaere tikanga i runga i tōna hapū, i tōna hapū; ko koutou hoki hei mīmiro i tēnei waka (TWM 17/10/1863:3). / These types of people should control the practices of each of his subtribes; and it is for you all to bind this canoe together.
Synonyms: tauhere, whakarorerore, mimire, rona, whiu, tātā, whiwhita, ruruku, karawhiu, tui
3. (noun) lashing, binding.
Hōmai noa rā he mīmiro mō te waka, ē, e mau ai rā (M 2005:52). / Give me lashings for the canoe so as to bind it firmly.
4. (modifier) swirling.
Nō te taenga ki te wahi hōhonu ka kāwhakina e te ia ki runga o ngā tāheke mīmiro o Whanganui (HKW 1/8/1901:8). / On reaching the deep part they were carried off by the current onto the swirling rapids of the Whanganui.