1. (verb) (-mirea,-tia) to bind round, lash, tie.
E haere ana ahau kia kite i ōku takahoa i te wā kei tamariki ana, ki te whakahou i ngā whakaaro, ki te whakahiato i ngā miro o te taura kua mawheto i ngā tau maha ka toha kei muri, ā, ka mimire anō ki roto i te whakatakere o tōku ngākau (TKO 30/4/1920:6). / I am going to see my friends from the time when I was a child, to refresh my ideas, to collect together the strands of the rope that have loosened in the many years spread out behind me, and to bind them again into the bottom of my heart.
Synonyms: rona, karawhiu, mīmiro, tui, tauhere, whakarorerore, ruruku, whiu, tātā, whiwhita
2. (noun) strand.
Kei te hiko atu ōku whakaaro kia whānui, kia hōhonu, kia tino kaha rawa ngā mimire o te taura e paihere nei i a tātau (TKO 30/4/1920:7). / My thoughts are stimulated into ways to broaden, deepen and strengthen the strands of the rope that unites us all.