1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to scold, admonish, reprimand, reproach, tell off.
I te 3 o ngā hāora o te ata o te Hātarei ka oho a Hone rāua ko te wahine i ō rāua hoa e kōwhetewhete ana (TP 5/1904:3). / At 3 am on Saturday morning John and his wife woke up with their friends quarrelling.
Synonyms: koeka, tātā, whakatūpehupehu, whakamania, whāuraura, whakangutungutu, kekeritanga, pākani, ngangau, kohete, tarahae, riri, tauwhāinga, tautohe, taututetute, totohe, kowhete, kairiri, kekeri, whakanihoniho, tautotohe, taukaikai, ngangare, paka, tatau, tatauranga, kākari, taute, whakatete, whawhai, wāwau, whakanehenehe, korokīkī, kōhetehete, rīriri, whāinga, whewhei, taungaungau, tītaitai kōwhatu, tautohetohe
2. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to whisper, murmur, mutter.
Otiia i kite a Rāwiri i ana tāngata e kōwhetewhete ana ki a rātou anō, ka mōhio a David kua mate te tamaiti (PT II Hamuera 12:19). / But when David saw his people whispering amongst themselves, he perceived that the child was dead.
Synonyms: komeme, hāmeme, hāmumumumu, hāwata, pararāwaha, hamumu, kumeme, pātīhau, tāwara, kotete, kihi, warowaro, kohete, kowhete, kōkihi, kōmuhu, ngaehe, wawara, wawaro, whakatanguru, ngāeheehe, kotekote, kōhetehete, tamumu, tamūtamū, kōmuhumuhu, whetewhete, warawara, wara