1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to contend one with another, argue, disagree, persist, debate, haggle, quarrel.
Kāore a Tuhitāre i te whakahē, i te tautotohe rānei (TTT 1/7/1929:1026). / Tuhitāre is not disagreeing or arguing.
Synonyms: takakawe, whaiwhairoroa, tohe, hohota, tautohetohe, tautohe, hotahota, tohetohe, kowhete, kairiri, kekeri, whakanihoniho, taukaikai, ngangare, paka, tatau, tatauranga, kākari, taute, whakatete, whawhai, wāwau, whakanehenehe, korokīkī, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, rīriri, whewhei, taungaungau, kekeritanga, tītaitai kōwhatu, whāinga, pākani, ngangau, kohete, tarahae, riri, tauwhāinga, taututetute, totohe
2. (modifier) in dispute, arguing, quarreling, disagreeing.
He iti te mana whakawā hei tuku ki ngā komiti Māori o ngā wā kāinga, nō te mea, hei tā Timi Kara, e āhua noho ana aua wāhi hei huihuinga mō te hunga tautotohe, me te hunga nanakia (TTR 1994:11). / Even local Māori committees only had limited judicial powers, because, in James Carroll's view, they became places for people in dispute and shifty people.
Synonyms: whewhei
3. (noun) dispute, argument, quarrel, disagreement.
Māku e whakatau tā kōrua tautotohe (TP 5/1904:11). / I will settle your dispute.