1. (verb) to quarrel, bicker.
Kua roa rātou e tarahae ana; te āhua nei e kore tēnei take e tatū wawe (PK 2008:862). / They have been bickering for a long time and it would seem that this matter will not be settled in a hurry.
Synonyms: paka, tatau, tatauranga, kākari, taute, whakatete, whawhai, wāwau, whakanehenehe, korokīkī, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, rīriri, whāinga, taungaungau, kekeritanga, tītaitai kōwhatu, tautohetohe, whewhei, pākani, ngangau, kohete, riri, tauwhāinga, tautohe, taututetute, totohe, kowhete, kairiri, kekeri, whakanihoniho, tautotohe, taukaikai, ngangare
2. (modifier) jealous, envious, resentful.
Nā, he hē tēnei mehemea ka tupu ake te ngākau tarahae, te mauāhara, hei tauwehe i ngā iwi e rua, i te Pākehā, i te Māori (MM.TKM 14/7/1860:11). / Now, this is wrong if jealousy and hatred develops to divide the two peoples, Pākehā and Māori.
Synonyms: mānatunatu, whakamauāhara, taruhae, harawene, pūhaehae, pukā, tūāhae, wene, hae