1. (verb) (-tia) to cause hatred, incite hatred, be embittered, resentful.
Ka mutumutu haere ngā pakanga, ko te kī, whakamauāhara a Tūpaea ki a Te Arawa mō ngā raru maha i pā ki tōna iwi (TTR 1990:373). / When the wars were ending, Tūpaea was described as embittered towards Te Arawa concerning the many problems his tribe had sustained.
Synonyms: taruhae, tarahae, mānatunatu
2. (modifier) embittered, resentful, bitter, offended, aggrieved.
He iwi hohoro rawa te Māori ki te mamae mō te kupu, ahakoa he kupu tika, a he iwi whakamauāhara (TP 9/1907:1). / The Māori are a people who are quick to be hurt by words, even if they are true, and we are people who become offended.
Synonyms: ngākau pōuri
3. (noun) grievance, gripe, complaint, cause of hatred.
Ka riro mai i a Ngata te whakaae kia tirohia ngā whakamauāhara whenua Māori kua roa kē nei e koropupū ana te riri (TTR 1996:106). / Ngata obtained agreement that the long-simmering Māori land grievances be investigated.