1. (verb) (-tia) to murmur, mutter, mumble.
Ko tōku hiahia me āta pānui ngā kōrero a Geelong Paul hei kōrero mā te hunga kei te whakatanguru he iwi māngere te Māori (TWK 12:18). / I wish the people who are muttering that the Māori are a lazy people would read what Geelong Paul has to say.
Synonyms: hamumu, komeme, pararāwaha, pātīhau, kumeme, hāmeme, hāmumumumu, hāwata, kowhete, kōmuhu, kōkihi, ngaehe, wawara, wawaro, ngāeheehe, kotekote, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, tamumu, tamūtamū, kōmuhumuhu, whetewhete, warawara, wara, warowaro, tāwara, kotete, kihi, kohete