1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to desire, crave, hanker after, long for, yearn for, have a dependency (on).
Synonyms: wawata, wara, konau, muri aroha, ingo, kōnohi, āwhitu, ohia, murimuri aroha, ingoingo, hōkaka, tameme, kūata, kuika, kūwata, tōmina, kare, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, manako, whakangākau, ōkaka, hihiri, tāmina, āmene, korou, popono, pūkōnohinohi, mānakonako, kaimomotu
2. (verb) to be addicted, craving, ravenous, dying for, famished.
E oho ana i te awatea kei te warawara te hiakai (W 1971:479). / On waking in the daytime one is ravenous.
Synonyms: pakaroa
3. (verb) to be uncertain.
Tukua ana e 500 eka i Pākōwhai hei whenua rāhui ki te kuia o Te Hata, ki a Mere Karaka me ētahi atu. Engari nō te whakarerekētanga i ngā ture whenua Māori i muri mai, ka warawara noa te mana whenua o te iwi o Te Hata (TTR 1998:214). / 500 acres at Pākōwhai had been granted as a reserve to Te Hata's grandmother, Mere Karaka, and others, but because Māori land legislation had been changed subsequently, the land rights of Te Hata’s people were uncertain.
4. (noun) craving, thirst, addiction.
Nā tana warawara mō te wheako, ka tino aronui a ia ki tana mahi (Ng 1993:482). / Because of her thirst for experience, she threw herself into her work.