1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to desire, long for, fancy, wish for, want.
2. (noun) desire, wish, yearning, aspiration.
Ka pātai atu a Ngarue ki a Whare-matangi, “E tama! Kōrero rā ki a au i te korou a tō ngākau i tukua mai ai koe e tō whaea, e ō mātua, e ō tīpuna, i te ara i haerea mai nei e koe.” (JPS 1925:318). / Ngarue remarked to Whare-matangi, “Lad! Tell me the desire of your heart on whereby you were sent here by your mother and elders along the path that you have traversed."
3. (noun) energy, spirit, vitality.
He kōrou mutunga kore tō te tamariki (PK 2008:333). / Children have endless energy.