1. (verb) to long for, yearn, desire.
Mānakonako ai te ngākau kia whakatūturutia te whakahoatanga kua oti nei te tūhono (TKM.MM 30/8/1863:6). / It is sincerely to be hoped, that the friendly relations that have been established will be permanent.
Synonyms: kaimomotu, kūata, kuika, kūwata, tōmina, kare, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, manako, whakangākau, ōkaka, hihiri, tāmina, āmene, korou, popono, pūkōnohinohi, warawara, wawata, wara, ohia
2. (noun) desire, yearning.
He mānakonako ki ngā whai kōrero a Te Pōkiha i te Pāremete mō te waipiro, koia nei au i tuhi atu ai i ēnei kupu ki raro nei me i kore e tūpono atu ki ētehi o te motu nei te mānakonako ki aua kōrero (TWMNT 12/11/1873:153). / Mr Fox's speech in Parliament on the liquor question is gratifying and the reason that I write these words below in the hope that others of this country also like that speech.