1. (verb) to be determined, resolute, unwavering, dogged, indomitable, strong-minded, tenacious, unyielding.
Nā taua ture anō i whakangāwari ngā mahi a ērā e pūkeke ana ki te pāmu i waimarie rā he whenua tonu ō rātou (TTR 1994:14). / That law also facilitated the work of those who were determined to farm and were fortunate enough to still have their land.
Synonyms: whakakiriūka, rae pakari, ngākau titikaha, manawa rahi, pūtohe, niwha, kiriūka, manawanui, marohi, mārohirohi, titikaha, pikoni, ū, aumangea, pukunanaiore, tōkeke
2. (adjective) be determined, obstinate, dogged, persistent, steadfast, strong-minded, tenacious, unyielding.
He wahine pukumahi a Te Paea, he niwha, he pūkeke (TTR 1996:22). / Te Paea was a hardworking woman, resolute and determined.
Synonyms: urupū, pakepake, niwaniwa, aumangea, pikoni, hihiri, manawanui, pūtohe, taikaha, pūnoke, manawa rahi, kōioio, makiki, ngana, turi, taringa pākura, tohetohe, whakaturi, kakī mārō, pukutohetohe, taumārō, pake, mōtohe, whakatuturi, hōkeke, papamārō, upoko mārō, houkeke, pukutohe, kōroiroi, hoi, whātuturi, whakatohe, whakatete
3. (modifier) determined, obstinate, dogged, persistent, steadfast, strong-minded, tenacious, unyielding.
He ākonga pūkeke a Wī Repa, ā, āta pū noa tōna mātauranga, ehara i te mea whakakitekite (TTR 1996:277). / Wī Repa was a determined student, and his academic progress was solid rather than spectacular.
4. (noun) determination, resolve, grit, fortitude, persistence, tenacity, tenaciousness.
Nō tana pūkeke kia whakapaitia ake ai te oranga me te hauora o te Māori, nāna anō i tīmata anō te komiti Māori o Whakatū (TTR 2000:80). / Because of his determination to improve the well-being and the health of Māori, he reactivated the Nelson Māori committee.
Synonyms: niwha, tau, whakapau kaha, pūtohe, tohetohe, whakapūmau, pukutohe, ngana, totohe, tohe, pāuaua, mau tūmārō, urupū, pūnoke