1. (adjective) be unwilling, disinclined, reluctant, unscrupulous.
Ka mahi ia i ētahi mahi māminga, kōroiroi noa nei, kia roa ai ia e tū ana i tōna tūranga (TWMNT 9/8/1879:490). / He did some devious things, which were quite unscrupulous, so that he could remain longer in his position.
Synonyms: korongatā, parahako, whakatohetohe, manawa pā, korou kore, whakatenetene, whakauaua, manauhea, whakatōngā, whakawhēuaua, horokukū, whakakumu
2. (modifier) unwilling, disinclined, reluctant, obstinate, unheeding, disobedient (particularly of a child).
I te mutunga ake, ka whakaae ngā mātua ki tā te tamaiti kōroiroi rā i tono ai (HJ 2015:192). / In the end the parents agreed to what that obstinate child had requested.
Synonyms: turi, ngana, makiki, kōioio, whakatete, whakatohe, whātuturi, hoi, pukutohe, pūkeke, houkeke, upoko mārō, papamārō, hōkeke, whakatuturi, mōtohe, pake, taumārō, pukutohetohe, whakaturi, taringa pākura, kakī mārō, tohetohe
3. (noun) unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination.
Ka hoki tonu aku mihi ki aku kaiwhakaako e kaha nei ahakoa takeo ai i ētahi wā i te kōroiroi, i te kōioio tonu mai o ngā ākonga, ko te nuinga ia inā kē noa atu te pai (HM 3/1998:5). / My thanks go to my energetic teachers, who despite sometimes being fed up with the unwillingness and stubbornness of the students, were mostly outstanding.
Synonyms: whakatohetohe, korou kore, ngākau kore, whakatōngā