kakī mārō
1. (verb) to be obstinate, intractable, inflexible, unbending, obdurate, pig-headed, stubborn, dogmatic, unyielding.
Ahakoa i kakī mārō, i whakatenetene ētahi o ngā ngārahu ahurei o Tūhoe, nā te wahapū, nā te manawanui ka hinga mai i a ia ki tana take (TTR 1994:115). / Despite some of the prominent leaders of Tūhoe being obstinate and reluctant, he swayed them with his eloquence and determination.
2. (modifier) obstinate, intractable, inflexible, unbending, obdurate, pig-headed, stubborn, dogmatic, unyielding.
I whakahē a Āpirana Ngata i te rironga o te whakahaere o te hokowhitu Māori i a Awatere, nā te mea hoki he tangata kakī mārō rite tonu ki ōna tīpuna (TTR 2000:10). / Āpirana Ngata had opposed Awatere's taking command of the Māori Battalion because he had a of a stubborn streak like his ancestors.
Synonyms: taringa pākura, whakaioio, houkeke, upoko mārō, hōkeke, mōtohe, taumārō, whakaturi, tohetohe, turi, ngana, makiki, kōioio, whakatete, whakatohe, whātuturi, hoi, kōroiroi, pukutohe, pūkeke, papamārō, whakatuturi, pake, pukutohetohe
3. (noun) stubborn person, pig-headed person, stubborn fellow.
Kore rawa tērā kakī mārō e whakaae mai ki tā tātou tono. / That stubborn fellow will never ever agree to our request.