



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

upoko mārō

1. (verb) to be insensitive, hard-headed, headstrong, stubborn, unbending, pig-headed, obstinate.

Tē aro i a ia tētāhi kupu kotahi nei, engari ka upoko māro tonu mai. / He can’t understand a single word, but he persists.
E ūpoko mārō ana tērā tangata ki tāna kaupapa. / That man sticks stubbornly to his cause.

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2. (modifier) stubborn, obstinate, inflexible, obdurate.

Mēnā he tangata upoko mārō koe kua kīia koe he taringa pākura (he ingoa anō te pākura mō te pūkeko) (Te Ara 2013). / If you are a stubborn person you are said to be pūkeko ears (pākura is another name for pūkeko).

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Synonyms: kakī mārō, whakaioio, houkeke, taringa pākura, mōtohe, taumārō, hōkeke

3. (noun) obstinate person, stubborn person.

Kāhore he aroha, he upoko mārō, he ngautuarā, e kore e pēhi i te ngākau, he hunga nanakia, kāhore e aroha ki te pai (PT 2Timoti 3:3). / Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.

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Synonyms: kōioio

4. (noun) bigot.

Kaua e moumou tāima ki tērā upoko mārō. / Don't waste time on that bigot.

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