1. (verb) to be reluctant, unwilling.
Synonyms: parahako, whakatohetohe, manawa pā, korou kore, whakatenetene, whakauaua, manauhea, whakatōngā, whakawhēuaua, horokukū, whakakumu, kōroiroi
2. (noun) reluctance, unwillingness.
Ka whakamātau tērā ki te hari i a Tame ki Ākarana ki reira whakaakona ai ki te mātauranga ōkawa. Nā tana korongatā ki te whakarere i tōna iwi i kore ai ia i haere (TTR 1994:77). / That person attempted to take Tame to Auckland for a formal education. Because he was reluctant to leave his people he did not go.