1. (noun) survivors, those left behind, remnants.
Nō muri mai, ka patua e Te Pareihe rātau ko ana tuarā, a Te Momo, kātahi ka panaia ngā mahuetanga o Ngāti Te Koherā (TTR 1990:177). / Later Te Pareihe and his allies killed Te Momo and then drove out the remnants of Ngāti Te Koherā.
Synonyms: remu
2. (noun) abandonment, desertion, leaving behind, leaving.
Aoakewake, ka whakahauraro rātau. Ka riro ko ētehi rangatira o Ngāti Tūwharetoa hei kūpapa, ka amuamutia e Horonuku ki ō rātau mahuetanga i a ia; kāore he huringa ake atu i te whai i a Te Kooti (TTR 1994:141). / A few days later they surrendered. Some Ngāti Tūwharetoa chiefs had gone to the government side. Horonuku reproached them for having abandoned him, leaving him no option but to follow Te Kooti.
Synonyms: whakakorekore, whakareretanga, whakarere, whakakore, whākorekore, whakarerenga