1. (verb) to be early, quickly, too soon, prematurely, immediately.
Rongo ana au i te kaikaranga e hū mai ana ka tangohia e au ngā tīni me te kara o taku hōiho kia wawe ai te tae ki ngā poti i tātahi (Wh3 2003:14). / As soon as I heard the caller cooeeing, I took off the chains and the collar of my horse so that I could be at the boat at the beach quickly.
Synonyms: porokere, tangetange, kimonga kanohi, tere, rere
2. (modifier) soon, quickly, rapidly, early, prematurely, promptly - used as an adverb to indicate something happening earlier than expected.
Kua roa rātou e tarahae ana; te āhua nei e kore tēnei take e tatū wawe (PK 2008:862). / They have been bickering for a long time and it would seem that this matter will not be settled in a hurry.
Mehemea i tukuna wawetia mai ngā pātai kua kaha au ki te whakarite kōrero mō te reo irirangi. / If the questions had been sent promptly I would have been able to prepare statements for the radio.
Synonyms: tere, tipitipi ana, tonu, ake
3. (modifier) before, first.
Ko Keita i mate wawe i tona tāne, i a Tiemi (HP 1991:25). / Kate died before her husband, James.