1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to draw a canoe sideways with a paddle.
Te putanga iho, tū ana i tātahi, ka kite te waka nei. Tīrau ana te kei, tīrau ana te ihu kua tata ko te kei, kīhai i whakatika kua tata te ihu ki uta me waengarahi, kua piri katoa ki uta (TP 2/1909:7). / Then she emerged, standing on the shore and saw the canoe. The stern was drawn sideway, the prow was drawn sideways, and the stern approached but it was not straight until the prow approached the shore with the central part of the canoe and it all touched the shore.
2. (noun) peg, stick.
Nā te whanaunga tata tonu o Te Wherowhero, nā Te Paea, i kumekume ake ngā tīrau rūri o te rori (TTR 1990:174). / Te Wherowhero's close kin, Te Paea, pulled out the survey pegs for the road.