tūmahi hāngū
1. (noun) passive verb - a word that is used when the subject undergoes the action of the verb. In Māori, verbs used in the passive usually take a passive ending. The passive endings are: -tia, -hia, -ngia, -a, -ia, -ina, -kia, -mia, -na, -nga, -ria, -whia, -whina, -kina.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 65-67, 84-85; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 88;)
I te rerenga kōrero 'kua horoia ngā rīhi', ko te 'horoia' te tūmahi hāngū. / In the sentence 'kua horoia ngā rīhi', 'horoia' is the passive verb.
See also pīmuri whakahāngū
Synonyms: hāngūtanga