



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (modifier) calm (of the wind).

Tūperepere kau ana ngā wai o Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara, engari ia koe, e Matu, nei rā tō waka kua marewa ki ngā wai tokitoki, ki ngā hau tāhengihengi, ki te āio mōwai rokiroki (HM 2/1993). / The waters of Wellington Harbour are boisterous, but you, Matu, there is your conveyance raised up to the calm waters, to the gentle breezes, and serenity.

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1. (adjective) be gentle, easy.

He mārū te heke iho i runga mai o ngā maunga (W 1971:184). / Descending from on the mountains was easy.

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2. (modifier) low-pitched (in tone), low in tone.

Nā te mea he roa ake te kakau o te pōrutu i tō te kōauau ka taea te whakarangirua i tōna reo. Kotahi he reo mārū, ā, ki te kaha te pupuhi kua tīorooro tōna reo tuarua (Wh3 2003:168). / Because the stem of the pōrutu is longer than the kōauau it is able to be played with two voices. One is a low-pitched voice and if it is blown hard its second voice is high-pitched.

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3. (modifier) calm.

He rangi mārū (W 1971:184). / A calm day.

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1. (verb) to debate with oneself.

Ko te tangata nei kei te whakahemohemo; kei waenganui ia i te ora i te mate; i tēnei ao i tērā ao. Nā reira, kei te whakaangaanga tōna āhua; ko te tinana kei te pupuri, ko te wairua ia kei te hiahia ki te rere (TTT 1/11/1925:326). / This person is on the point of death; she is between life and death; this world and that other world. And so her being is debating with herself; the body wants to hold on but the spirit wants to escape.

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2. (verb) to calm.

Ka puta ake taua māia ki runga, whakaangaanga ai i te rangi, whakamārie ai (NM 1928:62). / That fellow came up to calm the heavens, to pacify it.

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1. (particle) exactly, absolutely, unequivocally, positively, seriously, essentially, indubitably, for the most part, in the main, deliberately, intentionally, carefully, really, gently, quietly, silently, completely, thoroughly, well and truly, actually, in fact, quietly, peaceably, peacefully, just, merely, very - a word to intensify and add emphasis, often translated by one of the above. Where mārie follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia.

Ko te whenua ka takoto mārie, taihoa ka tupuria e te otaota, e te māheuheu (HJ 2015:101). / Land just left will in time be overgrown by weeds and scrub.

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Synonyms: puku, mārire, mārika, mōhū, kōmuhu, māika, , koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, tata, ake, kau, rānō, tino, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, tika, tou, noa, piropiro, ehara ehara, puru, pohapoha, mōrukaruka, tahi, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., rukaruka, hāwerewere, moruka, anō,

2. (verb) to be peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed, abate.

I whakahoahoa rātou ki ngā Pākehā i runga i te wawata ka mārie tā rātou noho tahi (TTR 1990:77). / They were friendly towards the Pākehā in the hope that their existence together would be peaceful.

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Synonyms: māwhe, pāngū, tau

3. (verb) fortunately, it was fortunate, luckily.

Ka mea atu ngā tama, "Mārie anō kia haere mai koe!" Ka mea atu te koroheke, "Ki te aha?" Ka mea atu rāua, "Ki te karakia i ā māua māra." (NM 1928:170). / The boys said, "It was fortunate that you have come!" The elderly man said, "What for?" They said, "To recite ritual chants for our gardens."

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Synonyms: marenganui, mokori anō, maringanui, māringanui, mokori

4. (modifier) peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed.

He tangata mārie, whakamōwai a Rāni Erihana, i ngākau pono nui ki tana kamupene me tōna whānau (TTR 2000:59). / Rāni Ellison was a quiet, unassuming man who was devoted to his company and his family.

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Synonyms: ngehe, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, , mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio

5. (noun) peace, calm, tranquility, calmness, peacefulness, serenity, composure, harmony, geniality.

Ko te mātau, ko te mārie nui i kitea ki tōna mata (MM.TKM 1/12/1855:13). / Intelligence and geniality could be seen in his countenance.

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Synonyms: mahurutanga, marino, whakamārietanga, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, māriri, hūmārire


1. (verb) to be calm, still (usually of the sea).

He ākau kei waho, ka whati mai te ngaru ka pakaru ki te ākau, nā ka marino noa iho a roto (TP 5/9/1909:10). / There is a reef on the open sea and the waves break on the reef and inside it is quite calm.

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2. (modifier) calm, still, tranquil, undisturbed.

I te 26 o Pēpuere 1824, e noho marino ana te kaipuke rā a te Urania i Te Moana-a-Raukawa (TTR 1990:246). / On 26 February 1824 the ship 'Urania' was becalmed in Cook Strait.

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3. (noun) fine weather, peacefulness, serenity, calmness, tranquility.

Mehemea rātau ka tuku i ā rātau pū, ka hora te marino, ka hoatu he whenua hei nohoanga mō rātau (TTR 1990:219). / If they surrendered their arms and peace prevailed, land would be provided as a place for them to live.

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Synonyms: mahurutanga, māriri, hūmārie, aumārire, whakamārietanga, hūmārire, mārie, rangimārie


1. (verb) to be smooth, calm, solitary, desolate.

Kua pau ngā kāinga i te ahi, kua mōwai te whenua, kua mate kai ngā mōrehu (TTR 1990:294). / The homes were burnt, the land had been laid desolate and the survivors were starving.

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2. (verb) to be solitary, desolate, deserted, uninhabited, devasted.

Kua pau ngā kāinga i te ahi, kua mōwai te whenua, kua mate kai ngā mōrehu (TTR 1990:294). / The villages had been razed by fire, the land devastated, and the survivers were starving.

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3. (verb) to became moist.

Ka mōwai tōku waha (W 1971:212). / My mouth became moist.

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4. (modifier) smooth, calm, solitary, desolate.

Ahiahi mōwai, ata roki (TP 10/1908:7). / A calm evening is followed by a settled morning.

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mōwai rokiroki

1. (modifier) perfectly calm.

Tūperepere kau ana ngā wai o Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara, engari ia koe, e Matu, nei rā tō waka kua marewa ki ngā wai tokitoki, ki ngā hau tāhengihengi, ki te āio mōwai rokiroki (HM 2/1993). / The waters of Wellington Harbour are boisterous, but you, Matu, there is your conveyance raised up to the calm waters, to the soft breezes, and serenity.

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Synonyms: rokiroki

Paki o Matariki, Te

1. 'The widespread calm of Pleiades - the name of the coat of arms of the Kīngitanga which was designed by two Tainui tohunga, Tīwai Parāone of the Hauraki tribes and Te Aokatoa of the Waikato and Raukawa tribes. The work was approved in the time of King Tāwhiao, the second Māori king. The double spiral in the centre represents the creation with the series of strokes between the double lines marking off the various stages in the creation of the world. The figure on the right represents te atuatanga (spirituality) and the one on the left aituā (misfortune). The cross with the heart design represents Christianity while the seven stars represent Matariki, the Pleiades. The nīkau tree and harakeke plant on the right represent housing and clothing of the ancient Māori. The mamaku, an edible tree fern, and para, the tuber of which was used as food, are symbolic of the food of the Māori.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 1;)

Hei tohu i te mana me te awe hoki o Mere Rikiriki, i tāpaetia atu ai e Kīngi Tāwhiao he haki māna, e mau nei te īngoa ko 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; kātahi te taonga matahīapo ko tēnei; ko ōna tino tohu ko Te Paki o Matariki (TTR 1996:171). / Mere Rikiriki's influence and mana is demonstrated by King Tawhiao's presentation to her of the flag with the name 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; this was a prized treasure with significant markings known as Te Paki o Matariki.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to preserve, care for, husband.

E kore rawa e wareware i a Ngāti Tūwharetoa, ka waiho tēnei hei taonga nui ki roto ki te rokiroki a tōna tupuna, a Whakaotirangi (TPH 15/5/1905:8). / Ngāti Tūwharetoa will never forget that this great treasure was left in the care of their ancestor, Whakaotirangi.

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Synonyms: whakapounamu, tohutohu, rarawe, tohu, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote

2. (modifier) perfectly calm.

Synonyms: mōwai rokiroki

3. (noun) preservation, storage.

Arā anō ētahi kātahi anō pea ka āta tuhia ki te reo Māori, pēnei i te rokiroki i ngā kōiwi o te tuatara, ngā mahi whakaipoipo a te kākāpō (HM 3/1998:7). / There are other things that probably have only recently been written about in Māori, such as the preservation of tuatara bones and the courtship activities of kākāpō.

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Synonyms: whakauka, tiakanga

4. (noun) store, collection (of articles), podcast - a collection of digital media files which are distributed over the Internet for playback on portable media players and personal computers.



1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to pacify, calm down.

He wahine tere ki te wera, he tere anō hoki ki te whakamahuru; he wahine pūkorero, he hāngai anō hoki ki te kōrero; he wā ka tīhāhā, he wā anō ka whakamōwai (TTR 1990:14). / A woman who became hot and bothered quickly but also quickly calmed down; articulate and forthright, she would be roaring with rage one moment and all smiles and contrition the next.

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Synonyms: whakarangimārie, whakamārie, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki, whakamāria, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata

2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to let down gently, lower.

Ka puta ki waho ka whakamahurutia te tūroro e te tangata ora, ā ka tau ki raro (W 1971:165). / When they emerged the healthy man gently let down the patient and sat down.

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Synonyms: whakaheke, iho, whakararo

3. (noun) relaxant, calmer, sleep and anti-anxiety medication.

Kai ai ia i ana pire, ana whakamahuru, ia rā, ia rā, kia kore ai e tākaha. / He takes his pills, his calmers, each day so that he won't be violent.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, appease, propitiate, placate.

Kei te pakeke haere te mahi whakamārie i ngā rangatira kāhore i uru ki te whawhai i te wā e tūpehupehu haere ana a Tītokowaru. / The task of appeasing the leaders who did not enter into the war at the time that Tītokowaru was being belligerent is progressing.

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See also whakamāria, whakamārire

Synonyms: whakaturi, whakawhere, whakawherewhere, whakamāria, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata, whakaratarata, whakarangimārie, whakamahuru, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki

2. (modifier) peaceful, calm, quiet, gentle, appeasing, placatory.

Ka whakahaerea te wāhi tuatahi o te karakia nehu tūpāpaku me ētahi kupu whakamārie ki ngā tamariki mokopuna me te iwi nui o te tūpāpaku (TKO 15/1/1916:3). / The first part of the burial service was conducted with some placatory words to the children, grandchildren and all the deceased tribal group.

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Synonyms: whakamauru, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, , mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, , rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata

3. (noun) calmness, tranquility, appeasement, atonement.

Kei te mōhio ia ki te Atua o te whakamārie hei whakamārie i tōna ngākau (TP 1/1907:7). / He knows the God of peace to appease his heart

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1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, quieten, settle.

E ai ki ngā kōrero he uruuruwhenua, arā, he wāhi karakia whakamāhaki i te rangi mō ngā tira haere (TWK 36:29). / According to the information this was a ceremonial place for travelling parties on entering new territory, that is a place to perform ritual chants to calm the sky.

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Synonyms: whakamūmū, whakamārie, whakamāriri, whakamāria, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata, whakamahuru, whakarangimārie, tau, pūwhenua, noho, nohonoho, whakaea, whakanoho, whakatatū, whakatau, whakataiwhenua, tatū


1. (noun) calmness, deliberation, composure.

Nā te taumauri me te manawanui, mau ana i a rātau ngā putaanga pū mīhini, putaanga motā hoki (TTR 2000:114). / With composure and determination they captured the enemy’s machine-gun and mortar posts.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, appease, propitiate.

Nā te mea he taonga te pounamu nā te rangatira, he taonga hoki hei whakamārire i te riri, he mana nui, he tapu nui te pounamu (Te Ara 2014). / Because greenstone is a possession of chiefs and a treasure to make peace, it has great mana (status) and tapu (sacredness).

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See also whakamārie

Synonyms: whakaturi, whakawhere, whakawherewhere, whakarangimārie, whakamahuru, whakamārie, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki, whakamāria, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata

2. (modifier) quiet, gentle, appeased, peaceful, calming, placatory.

I Hune ka tae a Tiemi Make, te kōmihana ā-iwi, me ngā rangatira o ētahi atu rohe ki te hui whakamārire i Te Hokianga (TTR 1994:166). / In June James Mackay, the civil commissioner, and chiefs from other areas came to Hokianga to mediation meeting.

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Synonyms: whakamauru, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, , aumārire, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, , rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata


1. (stative) be soothed, set at rest, settled, calmed, appeased.

Ka mahuru ō rātou whakaaro (W 1971:165) / Their minds were set at rest.

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Synonyms: whakanōhia, roki, tatū, ea


1. (noun) serenity, calmness, composure, untroubled.

I te wā e tamariki ana koinā te mahurutanga o te tangata. Ko tēnā te wā hei whāwhātanga ki te mātauranga (TTT 1/2/1925:179). / During the time of childhood a person is untroubled. That's the time to tackle education.

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Synonyms: marino, mārie, māriri


1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to allay, clear away, dispel, calm.

Kāti, i te tau 1863, i te noho anipā a ngā Pākehā i roto i tērā takiwā o Te Matau-a-Māui ki ngā kōhimuhimu kei te tino pakari haere te Kīngitanga; nā Whaanga i whakamahea tō rātau mānukanuka (TTR 1990:392). / Well, in 1863 when the Pākehā in the Hawke's Bay district were alarmed at the rumours that the King Movement was strengthening, Whaanga allayed their fears.

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1. (modifier) very calm.

Tūperepere kau ana ngā wai o Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara, engari ia koe, e Matu, nei rā tō waka kua marewa ki ngā wai tokitoki, ki ngā hau tāhengihengi, ki te āio mōwai rokiroki (HM 2/1993). / The waters of Wellington Harbour are boisterous, but you, Matu, there is your conveyance raised up to the calm waters, to the soft breezes, and serenity.

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2. (noun) brown teal, Anas chlorotis - a rare endemic bird, the breeding male has a glossy green head and a narrow white collar, while the female is brown.

See also pāteke

3. (noun) New Zealand dabchick, Poliocephalus rufopectus - a small dark bird with a dumpy body, slim neck, small head, short bill and tiny, fluffy white tail. Has a blackish head, finely streaked with silver feathers, and is found on lakes and ponds of the North Island.

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