1. (verb) (-ia,nōhia,-ngia) to sit, stay, remain, settle, dwell, live, inhabit, reside, occupy, located.
He tokomaha tonu ngā Māori kei te tāone e noho ana, nō reira hoki tētahi take i tika ai kia tū te mīhana ki reira (TP 7/1913:6). / There are quite a lot of Māori living in town, so that's a reason why it's appropriate that the mission be established there.
See also noho ora mai, nōhanga, nōhia, kei noho ... ka ..., nohoanga, kaua (rawa) [koe] e noho ka ..., nohonga
Synonyms: matawā, whakanoho, nonoho, whakakapi, tū, rarau, pūwhenua, nohonoho, whakaea, whakatatū, whakatau, whakamāhaki, whakataiwhenua, tatū, tau
2. (verb) remain - sometimes used before other nouns or verbs to indicate a state over a period of time.
Hei irāmutu a ia mā Te Rauangaanga, arā, ka noho karanga rua ai rāua ko Pōtatau Te Wherowhero (TTR 1990:70). / He was a nephew of Te Rauangaanga and as well a cousin of Pōtatau Te Wherowhero.
I taua wā noho nama ana taua pāriha mō te whakahoutanga i tōna whare karakia (TP 8/1909:8). / At the time that parish was in debt for the renovation of its church.
3. (noun) living, occupying.
Whā tekau mā whā tau te roa o tana minitatanga, engari, i pūmau tonu tana noho ki Te Kaha ā mate noa (TTR 1996:116). / His ministry lasted for 44 years, but he lived at Te Kaha until his death.