1. (verb) to debate with oneself.
Ko te tangata nei kei te whakahemohemo; kei waenganui ia i te ora i te mate; i tēnei ao i tērā ao. Nā reira, kei te whakaangaanga tōna āhua; ko te tinana kei te pupuri, ko te wairua ia kei te hiahia ki te rere (TTT 1/11/1925:326). / This person is on the point of death; she is between life and death; this world and that other world. And so her being is debating with herself; the body wants to hold on but the spirit wants to escape.
2. (verb) to calm.
Ka puta ake taua māia ki runga, whakaangaanga ai i te rangi, whakamārie ai (NM 1928:62). / That fellow came up to calm the heavens, to pacify it.