2. (modifier) peaceful.
I te mutunga o ngā pakanga i waenga i a Ngāti Toa rāua ko Ngāi Tahu i Wairau, i te tau 1843, nā Taiaroa te nuinga o ngā mahi whakaaio whenua (TTR 1990:136). / After the conflict between Ngāti Toa and Ngāi Tahu at Wairau in 1843, Taiaroa played a major part in the peace negotiations.
Synonyms: rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire
3. (noun) peace.
Synonyms: rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
1. (noun) peace.
Nāna i whakakīkī te nuinga o te iwi o Taumutu kia hoki ki te haukāinga i runga i tana kī atu kua ū te maungārongo i reira (TTR 1990:146). / He persuaded the majority of the people of Taumutu to return home on his assurance that peace had been established there.
Synonyms: rongo, rangimārie, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
1. (experience verb) (rangona,-hia,-na,-tia) to hear, feel, smell, taste, perceive - used for all the senses except sight.
Ka rongo ngā hōia i roto i te pā i te tangi o te piukara, ka pikipiki ki runga ki ngā tāepa o te pā (TPH 7/7/1905:5). / When the soldiers in the fort heard the bugle they climbed onto the palisades of the fort.
Kātahi ka kowheta te hiku, ka rongo hoki i te mamae o ngā taura kua nonoti tonu rā i waenganui o te puku (TWM 15/7/1865:3). / Then its tail thrashed about as it felt the pain of the ropes tightening around its stomach.
Me horopū ngā pire, kia kore ai koe e rongo i te kawa (PK 2008:136). / The pills should be swallowed whole so that you don't taste the bitterness.
See also rangona
Synonyms: kite
2. (noun) news, report, fame, tidings, reputation.
Hau noa ana tōna rongo mō te whakaora tūroro (TTR 1994:5). / His reputation for healing the sick spread.
Synonyms: kawepūrongo, rongorongo, pitopito kōrero, kōrero, pakū, hau, pūrongo, pūrongorongo, rīpoata, kupu whakatau, whakahirahira
3. (noun) peace (after war).
I te tau 1833, ka haere a Te Wiremu ki Matamata, kia kite i a Te Waharoa, kia houhia te rongo ki a Ngāti Maru (TPH 27/3/1905:2). / In 1833 Williams went to Matamata to see Te Waharoa and to establish peace with Ngāti Maru.
Synonyms: rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
4. (noun) perception, awareness.
Ko te rongo ko tā te tangata whakamahi i ōna tairongo katoa hei hanga māramatanga ki tētahi mahinga toi (RTA 2014:153). / Perception is a person's use of all their senses to understand an artwork (RTA 20144:153).
Synonyms: aroā, mōhiotanga, kitenga
houhanga a rongo
1. (noun) peace.
Synonyms: rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
tatau pounamu
1. (noun) enduring peace, making of peace, peacemaking - literally ' greenstone door', a metaphor for lasting peace. When peace was made a precious gift was often made to symbolise the event.
Nā te mea he tama mōrehu, ka hoatu ko Huriwhenua tōna ingoa hei whakamaumaharatanga ki te tatau pounamu i waenganui i a Ngāi Tahu me Te Āti Awa i te tau 1844 (TTR 1994:100). / Because he was a surviving son, he was given the name Huriwhenua in commemoration of the making of peace between Ngāi Tahu and Te Āti Awa in 1844.
Synonyms: rongo taketake, houhanga rongo
1. (stative) peaceful, harmonious, amicable, cordial.
I te tīmatanga he aumārire te heke, nō te mea kua oti kē hoki i a Te Rauparaha te hohou te rongo, te whakamoe rānei i ētahi o ōna ki ngā iwi o reira (TTR 1990:299). / Initially the migration was peaceful because Te Rauparaha had already made peace, or had married off some of his own with the tribes there.
Synonyms: ukiuki, rangimārie, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio
2. (noun) peace, harmony, peacefulness.
Ahakoa tonu te aumārire o te hui, i a ia te mahi i muri mai ki te whakamutu atu i te whawhai a tētahi tokorua (TTR 2000:162) / Although the gathering was peaceful he later had to intervene to stop a pair fighting.
Synonyms: whakamārietanga, marino, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, mārie, māriri, hūmārire, rangimārie, rongo, maungārongo
1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
He tangata ngāwari, he hūmārie, he mateoha, he atawhai tangata, he tangata whakapono (TP 1/6/1902:9). / He was a gentle, pleasant, loving person, who showed kindness to people, a person who believed.
Synonyms: hūmārika, ranginamu, rawe, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārire, ātanga, pīwari, turua, purotu, tau, koea, whakamārie, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, whakaaio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
E kī pēnei ana ngā kōrero mōna, arā, he tangata ngākau tapatahi, he tangata tino kokoi te hinengaro, ā, he tangata hūmārie, aroha ki te tangata (TTR 1990:387). / The accounts about him were that he was a man of integrity, a person of exceptional intelligence, and a warm, generous person.
3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.
Nā te rongopai i mutu ai ngā pakanga toto nui i waenganui i ngā iwi, i ngā hapū Māori; i mutu ai te kaitangata; i noho ai i runga i te hūmārie (TTT 1/9/1925:289). / Because of the gospel wars of bloodshed between tribes and Māori subtribes ended; cannibalism ended; so that people lived in peace.
Synonyms: marino, whakamārietanga, hūmārire, tau, rerehua, waiwaiā, purotu, ātaahua, ātanga, māriri, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie
1. (modifier) quiet, peaceful.
Mutu rawa ake te tau 1866, kua riro mā Tītokowaru te ope Hauhau e ārahi; ā, nō tōna kitenga tērā rātou ka mate i te hiakai, kātahi ka whakahuangia te tau 1867, ko 'te tau o te rēme' he wā rangimārie (TTR 1990:271). / By the end of 1866 Tītokowaru had obtained the leadership of the Hauhau and realising that they were starving, he pronounced 1867 as 'the year of the lamb', a time of peace.
Synonyms: ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, hū, rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata
2. (noun) peace, peacefulness, harmony.
Nā ngā taumau ka tau te rangimārie (Te Ara 2016). / Betrothals brought peace.
Synonyms: marino, rongo, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire, whakamārietanga
hohou i te rongo
1. (verb) (hohoutia te rongo) to make peace, cement peace (after war or conflict).
I hoatu e ia tana patu pounamu ki a Hape hei hohou i te rongo (NIT 1995:337). / He gave his greenstone club to Hape to cement the peace.
Synonyms: tahua, hohou, hohou rongo, hohou te rongo, hou, houhou, whawhau
1. (particle) exactly, absolutely, unequivocally, positively, seriously, essentially, indubitably, for the most part, in the main, deliberately, intentionally, carefully, really, gently, quietly, silently, completely, thoroughly, well and truly, actually, in fact, quietly, peaceably, peacefully, just, merely, very - a word to intensify and add emphasis, often translated by one of the above. Where mārie follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia.
Ko te whenua ka takoto mārie, taihoa ka tupuria e te otaota, e te māheuheu (HJ 2015:101). / Land just left will in time be overgrown by weeds and scrub.
Synonyms: puku, mārire, mārika, mōhū, kōmuhu, māika, kē, koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, tata, ake, kau, rānō, tino, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, tika, tou, noa, piropiro, ehara ehara, puru, pohapoha, mōrukaruka, tahi, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., rukaruka, hāwerewere, moruka, anō, pū
2. (verb) to be peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed, abate.
I whakahoahoa rātou ki ngā Pākehā i runga i te wawata ka mārie tā rātou noho tahi (TTR 1990:77). / They were friendly towards the Pākehā in the hope that their existence together would be peaceful.
3. (verb) fortunately, it was fortunate, luckily.
Ka mea atu ngā tama, "Mārie anō kia haere mai koe!" Ka mea atu te koroheke, "Ki te aha?" Ka mea atu rāua, "Ki te karakia i ā māua māra." (NM 1928:170). / The boys said, "It was fortunate that you have come!" The elderly man said, "What for?" They said, "To recite ritual chants for our gardens."
Synonyms: marenganui, mokori anō, maringanui, māringanui, mokori
4. (modifier) peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed.
He tangata mārie, whakamōwai a Rāni Erihana, i ngākau pono nui ki tana kamupene me tōna whānau (TTR 2000:59). / Rāni Ellison was a quiet, unassuming man who was devoted to his company and his family.
Synonyms: ngehe, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, tō, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio
5. (noun) peace, calm, tranquility, calmness, peacefulness, serenity, composure, harmony, geniality.
Ko te mātau, ko te mārie nui i kitea ki tōna mata (MM.TKM 1/12/1855:13). / Intelligence and geniality could be seen in his countenance.
Synonyms: mahurutanga, marino, whakamārietanga, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, māriri, hūmārire
1. (noun) peace, peace settlement.
Nō te 10 o ngā rā o tēnei marama o Hūrae i tae mai te waea i Rānana e kī ana i tū tētahi ngārahu nui i te aroaro o te Kuīni e rima tekau mā waru mano o ngā hōia i tūria i taua ngārahu o te rongomau (KO 18/7/1887:3). / On the 10th of this month of July the telegraph message arrived from London saying that a military parade was held before the Queen and 58,000 soldiers stood at that peace parade.
Synonyms: rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
rongo taketake
1. (noun) lasting peace, established peace, lasting truce.
Ko te rangatira o Ngāi Tahu nāna i whakapūmau te rongo taketake a Ngāi Tahu ki a Ngāti Māmoe, ko Te Hau-tapunui-o-Tū (TTR 1990:367). / The Ngāi Tahu chief who established a lasting truce of Ngāi Tahu with Ngāti Māmoe was Te Hau-tapunui-o-Tū.
Synonyms: tatau pounamu
1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.
He mata mā, he mahora te upoko, i hiamoemoe ngā kanohi, i tū-ā-roa te ihu, i pakonga ngā pāpāringa, i rahirahi ngā ngutu, ā, i hūmārire ngā mata i te tirohanga atu, he taitamariki hoki (TK 1/11/1843:44). / A fair face, broad head, sleepy eyes, the nose is somewhat long, hollow cheeks, thin lips and the eyes are pleasing to look at, and she's youthful.
2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.
He iwi hūmārire te Māori, he makoha, he aroha ki te pai (TTT 1/8/1930:2118) / The Māori are amiable people, placid and love that which is good.
Synonyms: hūmārika, rawe, ranginamu, purotu, tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, ātanga, pīwari, turua, tō, mārie, mārire, whakaaio, āio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, houkura, aumārire, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.
Ko te mea nui ki ēnā koroua, ko te hūmarire, ko te pai tētahi ki tētahi, ko te ngākau whakaiti, ko te aroha ki te tangata (EM 2002:19). / The main thing for those elderly men is peacefulness, being good to each other, humble and concern for people.
Synonyms: rerehua, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārie, tau, ātanga, whakamārietanga, marino, purotu, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie, māriri
houhanga rongo
1. (noun) peacemaking, establishment of peace.
He houhanga rongo te tikanga o te haere (TH 1/4/1861:2). / Peacemaking was the reason for the trip.
See also houhanga a rongo
Synonyms: tatau pounamu
2. (noun) prosperity, good fortune.
Kia hora te taurikura ki runga i tō whānau. / Let prosperity be spread over your family.
Synonyms: houkura, tōnui, tōnuitanga
1. (noun) peace, tranquillity, equilibrium.
I ngā wā o te waikanaetanga ka takahia e Te Rauparaha te nuku o te whenua ki te toro i ngā iwi e rata mai ana ki a Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:297). / In times of peace Te Rauparaha travelled widely to visit the tribes who were friendly to Ngāti Toa.
Synonyms: rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire
1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, appease, propitiate, placate.
Kei te pakeke haere te mahi whakamārie i ngā rangatira kāhore i uru ki te whawhai i te wā e tūpehupehu haere ana a Tītokowaru. / The task of appeasing the leaders who did not enter into the war at the time that Tītokowaru was being belligerent is progressing.
See also whakamāria, whakamārire
Synonyms: whakaturi, whakawhere, whakawherewhere, whakamāria, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata, whakaratarata, whakarangimārie, whakamahuru, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki
2. (modifier) peaceful, calm, quiet, gentle, appeasing, placatory.
Ka whakahaerea te wāhi tuatahi o te karakia nehu tūpāpaku me ētahi kupu whakamārie ki ngā tamariki mokopuna me te iwi nui o te tūpāpaku (TKO 15/1/1916:3). / The first part of the burial service was conducted with some placatory words to the children, grandchildren and all the deceased tribal group.
Synonyms: whakamauru, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, hū, rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata
3. (noun) calmness, tranquility, appeasement, atonement.
Kei te mōhio ia ki te Atua o te whakamārie hei whakamārie i tōna ngākau (TP 1/1907:7). / He knows the God of peace to appease his heart
mana whakaaio
1. (noun) justice of the peace.
Nō te tau 1962 i whakatūria a ia hei mana whakaaio, ā, whakatūria ana hoki ia i te tau 1970 ki te poari o te kaitiakitanga mātauranga o Pā Moore hei kanohi mō te iwi Māori (TTR 2000:77). / In 1962 he was made a justice of the peace and he was appointed to the Monsignor Moore Education Trust board in 1970 as the representative of the Māori people.
1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, appease, propitiate.
See also whakamārie, whakamārire
Synonyms: whakaturi, whakawhere, whakawherewhere, whakarangimārie, whakamahuru, whakamārie, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata