1. (loan) (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to report.
Mā rāua e rīpoata mai te take i pā ai taua aituā (TJ 13/7/1899:3). / They will report on the reason why the accident occurred.
Synonyms: pakū, hau, rongo, pūrongorongo, kupu whakatau, pūrongo, rongorongo
2. (loan) (noun) report.
Kia kōwhiria ētahi mema hei komiti whakahaere i ngā mema kāore nei i tae ngā rīpoata a ō rātou takiwā ki te Pirimia o ō tātou tūnga (TJ 21/6/1898:3). / That some members be selected as a committee to organise the members whose reports from their areas didn’t reach the Premier of this sitting.
3. (loan) (noun) reporter.
Tēnei kua tae mai ngā kōrero o te hui ki Papawai, he mea tuku mai nā te rīpoata o te 'Tiupirī' (TJ 21/6/1898:3). / The discussions of the meeting at Papawai have arrived, having been sent here by the Jubilee reporter.
Synonyms: kairīpoata, kaikawe kōrero