1. (experience verb) (-a) to see, perceive.
Ko te hiahia kē o Parore kia kite ā-tinana tonu tana irāmutu, a Wiremu, me tana mokopuna, a Hakena i te Kuīni (TTR 1994:83). / Parore's real desire was that his nephew, Wiremu, and his grandson, Hakena, should see the Queen.
Synonyms: rongo
2. (experience verb) (-a) to find, discover, detect.
E kīia ana, ka nui ngā iwi moa kua kitea ki Timaru i Te Waipounamu (TW 2/3/1878:100). / It is reported that many moa bones have been discovered at Timaru in the South Island.
3. (experience verb) (-a) to recognise.
I whakaaro te tangata nei, kāhore anō ia i kitea e ngā wāhine nei (NM 1928:116). / This man decided that he had not yet been recognised by these women.
Synonyms: āhukahuka, āhukahuka, mōhiohio, mōhio
4. (noun) seeing, perceiving.
Te hokinga mai o te titiro ki ngā pua rākau o uta, tere tonu tō rātou kite iho i te mate mō rātou (NIT 1995:37). / When they looked back at the blossoms on the shore, they quickly saw the predicament they were in.
Synonyms: kitenga
5. (noun) finding.
E mahara tonu ana a Āpirana Ngata ki te uauatanga o te kite tangata hai whakairo i te whare karakia i Tikitiki (TTR 1998:186). / Āpirana Ngata was aware of the difficulty in finding carvers for the church at Tikitiki.