1. (experience verb) (-tia) to come to know, recognise, understand.
Kua mōhiohio ake tēnei ki te kōwhiti i ngā mea e kitea ōna hua, ka waiho ngā mea huhua kore (MM.TKM 31/12/1858:3). / They are learning to choose the things that are seen to be useful, but are leaving the things of no value.
Synonyms: āhukahuka, āhukahuka, kite, mōhio
2. (noun) information.
Katoa o ngā mōhiohio i pā hāngai ki te āhuatanga ā-rohe o konei i tukua katoatia atu ki a rātau (OTM 2016). / All information relevant to the local situation here was handed over to them.