1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to tell, say, speak, read, talk, address.
Ko tētahi o ngā take nui o te Pāremata ināia tata nei, ko te tautohetohe o ngā mema mō te Paipera kia whakaaetia kia kōrerotia i roto i ngā kura Kāwanatanga o te motu (TTT 1/10/1927:695). / One of the important topics of Parliament recently was the members' debate concerning the Bible that it be allowed to be read in the public schools of the country.
Synonyms: pānui, rīti, mea, pepeha, hamumu, wani, whakahua, kīkī, puaki, kī
2. (noun) speech, narrative, story, news, account, discussion, conversation, discourse, statement, information.
Ko tētahi kōrero i rongo anō mātou i te hui, ko te kōrero mō tētahi tikanga o nehe (HM 2/2009:10). / An account we heard at the conference was about a custom from ancient times.
Tā te rangatira tāna kai he kōrero, tā te ware he muhukai (NP 2001:362). / The chief's sustenance is discussion, but that of the commoner is inattention.
Synonyms: pakiwaitara, kaute, whakamārama, pūtea moni, pire, rongorongo, pitopito kōrero, rongo, kawepūrongo