1. (verb) (-na) to come forth, show itself, open out, emerge.
E kitea ana i runga i ngā kupu i puakina ki te aroaro o te Komiti e āhua hapa ana te ture o te Porowini mō te pauna i runga i ētahi tikanga (TWMNT 6/2/1877:58). / It can be seen from statements that emerged before the Committee that the Provincial Impounding Act is somewhat defective.
Synonyms: whera, manahua, wherawhera, tāwaewae, tūhāngai
2. (verb) (-na) to disclose, divulge, reveal, declare.
Ehara te rā o te kai hākari i te rā e puakina ai ngā tino whakaaro mō ngā mahi mā te iwi (TW 27/11/1875:385). / The day of the banquet was not the day for revealing the key ideas for constitutional change.
Synonyms: tuwhiri, whakaatu, whakakite, whakapuaki, whāki, whāwhāki, whakakakau