1. (verb) to reveal, disclose.
Ko te kōrero hoki e tūtai ana a Te Whiwhi, arā, ko ia i te whāwhāki ki a Kāwana Hōri Kerei mō te āhua o ngā putunga kariri ki te rohe o Pari-ā-rua (Porirua) (TTR 1990:345). / Te Whiwhi is said to have kept surveillance for Governor George Grey, informing him about ammunition stores in the Porirua district.
Synonyms: whakaatu, whakakite, whakapuaki, whāki, puaki, whakakakau, tuwhiri
2. (adjective) revelatory, revealing, informative.
Ka neke nei a Piri ki Waahi, noho ana ia hei hoa whāwhāki, hēkeretari hoki mā Korokī (TTR 1998:145). / Piri moved to Waahi, where he became a confidant and secretary for Korokī.
Synonyms: whakakite
3. (noun) disclosure, revealing, informing, disclosing, leak.
Ko te kōrero a Te Whakatōhea, he whāwhāki kē nā Te Wākana i ā rātou whakamahere ki te āwhina i a Waikato, ki te whawhai ki ngā Pākehā, i patua ai (TTR 1990:59). / Te Whakatōhea claimed that the Reverend Carl Sylvius Völkner was killed because he informed the Pākehā of their plan to the assist Waikato in their fight against the Pākehā.