1. (verb) to flow, ooze, leak.
Ka mea a Tamatea, “Ā! tē aituā mai i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa! Taka rawa ki te wai kōwhao waka nei ka tahuri” - mō te iti o te awa o te wai, ā, ka mate ia, e rite mai hoki ki te wai e mapi mai ana mā roto i te puare waka he mea poka nā te tangata, ā, ka mate nei ia. Nō reira tērā whakataukī, 'He iti wai kōwhao waka e tahuri te waka.' (JPS 1915:6). / Tamatea said, “Ah! We had no accident in crossing the Pacific Ocean! But when we come to this river that would run through a canoe's lashing-hole we are shipwrecked!”- referring to the smallness of the river where he came to grief, which was like the water that leaks through the small holes bored by men (in the canoe side) and he came to grief. Hence this saying, ‘A little water through the lashing-hole may swamp a canoe.’
Synonyms: totō, pipī, paheke, papī, komama, pahī, whāwhāki, turuturu