kanohi hōmiromiro
1. (noun) someone with an eye for detail, someone with keen eyesight, sharp sighted, sharp-eye, eagle-eye - a saying based on the observation that the hōmiromiro (tomtit) has keen eyesight and watches for its food on the ground and on trunks of trees, etc.
Kīia ai te tangata karu tore, ‘he kanohi hōmiromiro’ (Te Ara 2015). / A sharp-eyed person is called a 'kanohi hōmiromiro’ (tomtit eyes).
1. (verb) (-ia,-tia) to be rash, brisk, eager, overeager, keen.
I reira te Rōpū Reipa o Aotearoa e hīkaka ana ki te whakanui atu i te hunga tautoko mai i a rātou (TTR 1998:105). / The New Zealand Labour Party were there and were keen to expand the number of supporters.
Synonyms: makitatanga, remurere, hakihaki, pokerenoa, mahaki, kōpukupuku, kauhikahika, waihakihaki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, kōtaratara, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki
2. (modifier) rash, brisk.
Nā te tangata hīkaka, nā te ngākau tangatanga, nā te manawaroa, ka eke a Pātiti ki ngā taumata o te kaiārahi i te puku o Te Ika-a-Māui (TTR 1996:203). / Rash, venturesome, energetic and possessed of great stamina, Pātiti reached the pinnacle of tourist guiding in the central North Island.
3. (modifier) malicious, angry.
He taitamariki hīkaka tēnā, kīhai i rongo ki ngā mātua (TTT 1/1/1932:86). / That was an angry youth who did not listen to his parents.
Synonyms: kikokiko, tūtara, kaikino, whakakino, whakakinokino, ngau tuarā
4. (noun) anger, resentment.
I tōna taenga mai, ka whakatarea e rātau te haki o Ingarangi ki Tūranga. E whakapakari ana ki ngā Hauhau! Ka kawea ake e Hirini te hīkaka, nōna kē hoki te mana o te whenua, anā, kāore he kupu ki a ia i mua i te tarenga o te haki (TTR 1990:206). / On his arrival they raised a British ensign at Gisborne, in defiance of the Hauhau! Hirini was angered by this as he owned the land, and he had not been consulted before the flag had been raised.
Synonyms: tūāhae, taruhae, ngaukino, whakamau, whakariri, hūngeingei, hūneinei
1. (verb) to be quick, eager, keen, willing.
Kia kama tā kōrua haere ki te moe, kia kama ai tā kōrua maranga i te awatea (TWK 28:23). / Go to bed quickly so that you'll rise quickly in the morning.
Synonyms: whiwhita, kakama, pepeke, māngi, tere, naho, teretere, whitawhita, hihiko, horo, pekepeke, horohoro, hohoro, tūkawikawi, wawewawe, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, kōtaratara
2. (adjective) be eager, zealous, keen, kindly disposed towards, enthusiastic.
I akona te reo Māori e ia nō te mea he ngākaunui ia ki te Māori (HP 1991:27). / He learnt the Māori language because he was kindly disposed towards Māori people.
Synonyms: ngākau whakapuke, whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngangahau, whitawhita, ngākau whiwhita, kōtaratara, tūkari, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita
3. (noun) dedication, commitment, devotion, zeal.
Koia nei rā te pūmau me te ngākaunui o Eruera ki tōna whakapono (EM 2002:138). / That was how enduring and dedicated Eruera was to his faith.
Synonyms: matangareka, whitawhita, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, wana
1. (verb) to be eager, keen, enthusiastic.
Tino mīharo tonu nei a Rongowhakaata ki ngā mahi tākaro, rikarika ana ia ki te tākaro korowha (TTR 1998:58). / Rongowhakaata had a great interest in sport and he was a very keen golfer.
Synonyms: kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, kamakama, ihupuku, kōtaratara, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, matangareka, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke
2. (verb) to be stinted, restrained - used with a negative to show the opposite.
Ka tae mai mātau ki Heipipi nei, ka kī ngā tāngata mahi rori, e noho tātau i konei, "Kāore koutou e puta." Kātahi mātau ka titiro ki te awa, kāore i rikarika te waipuke (TPH 31/7/1900:5). / When we arrived at Heipipi the road workers said that we should stay here, "You won't get through." Then we looked at river and the flood was not insignificant.
Synonyms: ārikarika, tōngā, whakatōngā
1. (stative) be quick, eager, keen, nimble.
E hoa mā, kia kamakama, kua maoa ā tātou pēkana me ngā hēki! / Hey guys, hurry up, our bacon and eggs are cooked!
Synonyms: kakama, tūkawikawi, whiwhita, pepeke, māngi, tere, naho, teretere, whitawhita, hihiko, horo, pekepeke, horohoro, hohoro, wawewawe, tūkari, kōtaratara, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, ngākau whakapuke
1. (verb) to be keen, ardent, avid, enthusiastic, anxious.
Matangareka rawa atu ia ki ngā mahi tākaro, he toa kē nei ia ki te kauhoe me te purei whutupaoro (TTR 2000:99). / He was a keen sportsman, and excelled at swimming and rugby.
Synonyms: tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, kōtaratara
2. (noun) enthusiasm, keenness, zeal.
Ahakoa te matangareka o tana āwhina i ngā mahi tango whenua a Airini, i whakakāhoretia e ia te wira (TTR 1994:18) . / Despite his enthusiasm in assisting to acquire Airini's land, he refused to accept the bequest.
Synonyms: whakaongaonga, kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākaunui, wana, whitawhita, ngākau whakapuke
ngākau whiwhita
1. (verb) to be eager, all fired up, zealous, passionate, keen, ardent, fanatical.
Ka ngākau whiwhita te mahi a te whānau ki te hanga whare karakia hou (Ng 1993:540). / The family were keen to build a new church.
Synonyms: kohara, mate kanehe, manawawera, panapana, remurere, whitawhita, ngākau whakapuke, whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākaunui, ngangahau, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita, mōhukihuki, kama, kaikaha, tūkari, kōtaratara
2. (noun) persistent drizzling rain.
2. (adjective) be industrious, eager, keen.
Ko ia te mea tika - he kakama, he ihupuku (HJ 2015:181). / She is the right one - she's quick and industrious.
3. (modifier) industrious, eager, keen, semi-skilled.
Hai tangata ihupuku a Pāhewa ki te mahi māra (TTR 1996:117). / Pahewa was a keen gardener.
Synonyms: kamakama, matangareka, kōkeko, kōtaratara, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, hīkaka, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika
4. (modifier) frugal, stingy, grasping, parsimonious.
I muri iho i tēnei tohatohanga ihupuku o ngā whenua tāpui o Te Waipounamu, ka kihirua ngā whakaaro o Te Tipa, ā, ka rika ki te āwhina i a Ngāi Tahu (TTR 1990:351). / After his parsimonious allocation of South Island reserves, Mantell had a change of heart, and became eager to assist Ngāi Tahu.
Synonyms: matapiko
5. (noun) inexperience.
I tino kitea te tautōhito o Helen Clarke me te ihupuku o Don Brash, i roto i ngā mahi tōrangapū. / Helen Clarke's experience and Don Brash's inexperience in politics was really evident.
See also ihupiro
6. (noun) inexperienced person, greenhorn, rookie, trainee, apprentice, learner.
Ko te ihumanea, ko te ihupuku ka kimi kia mōhio ki te tikanga o te kupu, o te rerenga kōrero rānei, kātahi ka whakamahi i taua kupu, i taua rerenga kōrero rā ki te horopaki e tika ana (Kāretu 2016). / The clever person and the learner will endeavour to find the meaning of the word or sentence, then use the word or sentence in the appropriate context.
Synonyms: ākonga, ika tauhou
7. (noun) New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri - distinguished from the larger New Zealand sea lion by lacking obvious ears and being unable to stand on all fours when on land.
He nui ngā ihupuku ki Rēkohu me ngā kāhui whakawhānau ki ōna moutere (Te Ara 2015). / Fur seals were common on the Chatham Islands and there were breeding colonies on its islands.
See also kekeno
kanohi hōmiromiro
1. (adjective) keen-sighted.
Synonyms: kanohi kākāpō
2. (verb) (-tia) to annoy, irritate.
Ko tētehi o ngā kaupapa tōrangapū a tēnei Hāhi, ko te whakapono mā te whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi e ea ai ngā mamae e pā ana ki te whenua me ētehi atu kaupapa e whakaongaonga rā i te Māori (TTR 1998:55). / One of the political policies of this Church, is the belief that the ratification of the Treaty of Waitangi would help resolve grievances over land and other issues annoying the Māori.
3. (noun) enthusiasm, keenness.
Nui rawa atu hoki te whakaongaonga, te harakoa o ngā pakeke mō ngā whakaaturanga o ngā tae ātaahua e kōramuramu ana i runga o te pae i ngā ata o ēnei pō e rima (WT 2013:48). / The elders were really enthusiastic and happy about the displays of beautiful colours shining on the horizon in the mornings of these five nights.
Synonyms: rika, matangareka, whiwhita, ngākau whakapuke
ngākau whakapuke
1. (verb) to be enthusiastic, interested, keen, zealous.
Ahakoa ngākau whakapuke ana te oti i a ia o te whakarite i ngā moni hai whakatū whare me ērā atu painga anō mō ngā hōia o tōna ake kamupene, kakari kē ana te Tari Whakanohonoho ki te aukati i āna mahi (TTR 1998:189). / Despite being enthusiastic in arranged housing loans and other benefits for the soldiers of his own company the Rehabilitation Department attempted to curb his activity.
Synonyms: whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākaunui, ngangahau, whitawhita, ngākau whiwhita, kōtaratara, tūkari, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita
2. (noun) enthusiasm, interest, gusto, keenness, zeal.
I rite anō ki āna mahi o mua rā te kaha me te ngākau whakapuke o Hāmiora ki te mahi i te katoa o ēnei mahi āna (TTR 1996:95). / The energy and enthusiasm that Hāmiora undertook all of this work was just the same as he has always undertaken his tasks.
Synonyms: kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākaunui, wana, matangareka, whitawhita, whakaongaonga
2. (modifier) quick, ready, zealous, eager, enthusiastic.
Nui atu i te ono putu te roa o Rongowhakaata, ā, he āhua manawa reka nei tōna, he mata ratarata, whiwhita anō hoki te titiro (TTR 1998:58). / Rongowhakaata was over six feet tall, a humorous man with a gentle and eager look.
See also ngākau whiwhita
Synonyms: ngākau whakapuke, ngangahau, ngākaunui, whitawhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākau whiwhita, riterite, atamai, rite, reri, takatū, naho, kamakama, teretere, hihiko, horo, pekepeke, horohoro, hohoro, tūkawikawi, wawewawe, tere, māngi, pepeke, kama, kakama
3. (noun) fanaticism, zeal, keenness, fervor, dedication, enthusiasm.
I te taenga o te kaituhi a Mark Twain ki Whanganui i te tekau tau atu i 1890, ka whakatakariri a ia mō ngā kupu o te tuhinga i te whakapakoko e kī ana ‘he whiwhita, he mohoao’ ngā iwi o te pito whakarunga o te awa i ātete i te noho a te Pākehā (Te Ara 2014). / When he visited Whanganui in the 1890s, the writer Mark Twain was incensed by the text of the memorial, which referred to the ‘fanaticism and barbarism’ of the upper river tribes, who opposed Pākehā settlement.
Synonyms: whakaongaonga, ngākaunui, matangareka, whitawhita, kaikaha, rika, ngākau whakapuke, tāwheta, wana
2. (modifier) eager, impatient, progressive, keen.
Taka rawa ki te tau 1929, kua tau kē te whakaaro o Ngata ko Tonga Mahuta te kaiārahi kaikaha hei ako i a Waikato ki ngā mea e taea ana e rātou, e pā ana ki te whakahaere i ō rātou whenua (TTR 1996:82). / By 1929 Ngata had decided that Tonga Mahuta was a progressive leader who would teach Waikato the things they could achieve in the way of managing their land.
Synonyms: kōtaratara, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui
3. (noun) eagerness, impatience, progressiveness, keeness, zeal, enthusiasm, verve.
Ka whakanohoia mai ko tētahi Māori kāore i pērā rawa i a ia te kaikaha (TTR 2000:. / Another Māori who was not as controversial as him, was put in place.
Synonyms: ngākau whakapuke, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākaunui, wana, matangareka, whitawhita
1. (verb) to be anxious, restless, eager, keen.
Ko wai hoki te whānau e kōkeko ana ki te neke ki wāhi kē noho ai, mō te mahi noa iho te take? (HM 4/1993:6). / And what family would be keen to move to another place to live, just for work?
Synonyms: kōtaratara, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, kairangi, ikimoke, karore, kaparangi, irirangi, kārangirangi, tāhurihuri, ānau, hikimoke, kārangi, tītengi
1. (modifier) prickly, thorny.
Kia tūpato i ngā rau kōtaratara nei kei kei werohia koe. / Be careful of these prickly leaves in case you're jabbed.
See also taratara
Synonyms: matara, taratara, tiotio, tuatete, mākinakina, korotiotio, pūtiotio
2. (modifier) piercing, keen, biting.
Synonyms: tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui, werowero, wero, tīwharawhara, pākinakina
3. (noun) mountain holly, Māori holly, Olearia ilicifolia - a shrub with long, pointed, stiff, leathery leaves and wavy, sharply toothed edges, hence the English names. During spring the bush is covered in clusters of white daisies. Found from East Cape to Stewart Island.
4. (noun) haka of triumph, dance of triumph, victory dance.
Ko ngā mano Tūru kua heke mai ki tētahi tarawāhi o te awa, ki te tū i tō rātou kōtaratara whawhai (THM 1/4/1886:2). / Thousands of Zulus descended to one side of the river to perform their victory war dance.
2. (modifier) sharp-eyed, keen-sighted.
He kanohi mohorīrīwai taku koroua, kāore ōna mōhiti. / My grandfather has keen eyesight and doesn't have glasses.
1. (modifier) keen, yearning, thrilling, ardent.
Kāore te aroha mōhukihuki noa, te pānga mai kei ahau. Me he ahi e toro kei Hukanui (M 2007:106). / Ardent love was not fleeting when it touched me. It was like a spreading fire at Hukanui.
Synonyms: kōtaratara, tūkari, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, kama, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, ngākau whiwhita, takawhita, ngākaunui
2. (noun) yearning, longing, wish, desire.
E whai ake nei ngā uaratanga, ngā mōhukihuki me ngā wawata o te Kōmihana Hākinakina, Tūhakahaka a Hillary (HM 1/1992:3). / The desires, yearnings and dreams of the Hillary Commission for Sport, Fitness and Leisure are as follows.
Synonyms: kāwatawata, korotū, maingo, minamina, tōmina, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, mina, manako, matenui, hihiri, koroingo
1. (verb) to be eager, impatient.
I muri iho i tēnei tohatohanga ihupuku o ngā whenua tāpui o Te Waipounamu, ka kihirua ngā whakaaro o Te Tipa, ā, ka rika ki te āwhina i a Ngāi Tahu (TTR 1990:351). / After his parsimonious allocation of South Island reserves, Mantell had a change of heart, and became eager to assist Ngāi Tahu.
2. (noun) enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal, earnestness, keenness, fervour.
Nā te koi o tōna hinengaro me te nui o ōna mōhiotanga, tae noa ki tōna rika ki te whakamoe i ngā tikanga tawhito ki ngā tikanga o te ao hou, ka noho hei mea mīharo mā te tini (TTR 1994:181). / His sharp intellect, wide knowledge, and his enthusiasm to fuse traditional practices with the ways of the modern world made him an influential figure.
Synonyms: whakaongaonga, kaikaha, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākau whakapuke, wana, matangareka, whitawhita, ngākaunui