ngākau whakapuke
1. (verb) to be enthusiastic, interested, keen, zealous.
Ahakoa ngākau whakapuke ana te oti i a ia o te whakarite i ngā moni hai whakatū whare me ērā atu painga anō mō ngā hōia o tōna ake kamupene, kakari kē ana te Tari Whakanohonoho ki te aukati i āna mahi (TTR 1998:189). / Despite being enthusiastic in arranged housing loans and other benefits for the soldiers of his own company the Rehabilitation Department attempted to curb his activity.
Synonyms: whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngākaunui, ngangahau, whitawhita, ngākau whiwhita, kōtaratara, tūkari, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita
2. (noun) enthusiasm, interest, gusto, keenness, zeal.
I rite anō ki āna mahi o mua rā te kaha me te ngākau whakapuke o Hāmiora ki te mahi i te katoa o ēnei mahi āna (TTR 1996:95). / The energy and enthusiasm that Hāmiora undertook all of this work was just the same as he has always undertaken his tasks.
Synonyms: kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, ngākaunui, wana, matangareka, whitawhita, whakaongaonga