1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to speak badly of, malign, treat with contempt, abuse, disapprove of, condemn, denounce.
I whakakino a Pōmare ki ētahi o ngā kāinga, o ngā whare o Tūranga nei (HKW 1/5/1901:11). / Pōmare condemned some of the homes and houses of Gisborne.
Synonyms: muhani, tūtara, whakaparahako, whakatūtūā, whakahahani, whakahariharitae, kehi, muheni, whakatuohu, muhari, kangakanga, whakamania, whakamanioro, tunuhuruhuru, takahanga, takahi, tūkino, whakakinokino, takakino, maukino
2. (verb) (-ngia) to damage, harm, spoil, debase, disfigure, injure.
Pūrangatia mā koutou he taonga ki te rangi, ki te wāhi e kore ai e whakakino te huhu, te waikura (KO 15/9/1883:3). / Pile up treasures in heaven for yourselves, in the place where huhu grubs and rust will not damage them.
3. (modifier) slanderous, defamatory, insulting, libellous, malicious, disparaging.
Ka perehitia ngā kōrero katoa e tukua mai ana kia pānuitia e te 'Puke', engari ko ngā kōrero whakakino ingoa tangata, kāore e whakaaetia (TPH 28/10/1905:8). / All the text sent to us to be published by the 'Puke' will be printed, but libellous accounts will not be permitted.
Synonyms: whakakinokino, whakakino ingoa, kaikino, hīkaka, ngau tuarā, tūtara, kikokiko
4. (noun) disparagement, denigration, defamation, belittlement, slander.
Ko tētahi hara tino kino tēnei i te ao, ko te whakakino i te ingoa o te wahine (TTT 1/3/1925:193). / A really bad fault worldwide is the denigration of women.