1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to ill-treat with violence, rape, torture, destroy, abuse, maltreat, violate, mistreat.
E kī ana a Te Taite Te Tomo nō te tau 1910 ka tīkina e tētahi o ngā mokopuna a Te Heuheu, e Hōri Tamaiwhana, ngā wheua o tōna tipuna, he wehi kei tūkinotia e te Pākehā, e nui ana hoki te haere ki Tongariro (M 2004:254). / According to Te Taite Te Tomo, in the year 1910, one of Te Heuheu's grandsons, Hōri Tamaiwhana, brought back his grandfather's remains, because it was feared they would be interfered with by Europeans, who were then visiting Tongariro in increasing numbers.
Synonyms: pāwhera, repi, rurerure, marure, hunuhunu, pārure, takahanga, takahi, maukino, takakino, whakakinokino, kangakanga, whakamania, whakakino, whakamanioro, tunuhuruhuru
2. (modifier) unjust, unfair, violent, destructive, cruel, abusive.
Ka puta ngā kōrero māia, ngā kōrero tōkeke a Pēneti ki te whakahē i te mahi tūkino a te ture, e whaina nei i tētehi tangata mō te hī ika mai i tōna ake tuaone, hopu ai i ngā ika i tukua pokanoatia ki ngā moana, kīhai hoki i whakaaetia e te hunga nō rātau aua moana (TTR 1996:5). / Bennett spoke out to condemn the unjust activities of the law in fining a man for fishing on his own lake frontage for fish liberated in the lakes without the consent of the lake owners.
3. (noun) destruction, ill-treatment, abuse, torture, cruelty.
Kua kore e taea te huna te heitara mō te tūkino a ngā hōia i a rātou mauhere (PK 2008:100). / It is no longer possible to hide the accusation concerning the soldiers' torture of their prisoners.