1. (noun) trampling on, abuse, transgression, wrongdoing, offence, contravention, breach, infringement - derived noun form from takahi.
Ka āhei te komiti ki te whakawā i ngā takahanga katoa o ngā paero, ki te whakatau i ngā whaina kua whakaritea mō aua takahanga (TPH 31/12/1903:7). / The committee is able to sit in judgement on the abuse of the by-laws and to decide on the fines appropriate for those transgressions.
Synonyms: kinonga, hēanga, tutū, whakakino, whakamanioro, tunuhuruhuru, maukino, tūkino, whakakinokino, takakino, takahi, kangakanga, whakamania
2. (noun) footprint, track.
Titiro ana ngā Pākehā ki te nui o aua takahanga, me te mataratanga o te hīkoinga. Ka mea rātou, he moa pea i roto i ngā awa kōwhatu o taua whenua e noho ana (TH 1/7/1861:4). / The Pākehā looked at the size of those footprints and the length of the strides. They said that there were probably moa living in the rocky valleys of that land.
3. (noun) footstep, stamping ground, haunt - often followed by waewae with this meaning.
Kua haere rātou i ngā takahanga waewae o ō rātou tūpuna (TKO 15/8/1916:5). / They have gone in the footsteps of their ancestors.
4. (noun) tramping, trip - derived noun form from takahi.
See also takahi