1. (verb) (-tia) to do violence, ill-treat, offend, injure, mistreat, abuse, brutalize, handle roughly, maltreat, rough up - probably should be written as two words, i.e. tunu huruhuru, as evidenced in the second example sentence.
Nā ngā Hūrai i tīmata te whawhai, he tunuhuruhuru hoki nā tō rātou kāwana (TH 1/7/1859:3). / It was the Jews who began the fighting because of the mistreatment by the governor.
He kaiwhakaako kura te wahine rā me te tangata i tunua huruhurutia rā (KO 15/4/1884:7). / That woman was a school teacher as was the man who was attacked.
Synonyms: muhani, muheni, hara, whakakino, whakamanioro, takahanga, takahi, tūkino, maukino, takakino, whakakinokino, kangakanga, whakamania, pārure, hunuhunu, marure, rurerure