1. (verb) (-tia) to discredit, deride, malign, denigrate.
Ko te wāhi hoki tērā i whakaritea hei kitenga i a Te Kooti, te tangata i whakatuohutia e ngā pānui o te taha Pākehā - i kupukupua tonutia, i hakuhakua tonutia, e te tini, e te mano, i roto i ngā tau ka pahika ake nei (KO 15/2/1883:13). / And that was the place that had been arranged as somewhere to see Te Kooti, the man who was discredited by the publications of the Pākehā side - continually spoken about, continually being complained about by the masses in years gone by.
Synonyms: muhani, tūtara, whakakino, whakaparahako, whakatūtūā, whakahahani, whakahariharitae, kehi, whakakinokino, muheni, muhari