1. (verb) to be restless, unsettled.
Nā noa i waiho mai e ia tēnei kōrero, ‘ina koa i ōku tūpuna e kaparangi karekare mai ana i te poho o tō tātau maunga, e kore e taea e au taku moe i te pō, kia hoki tika mai rānō te maunga ki a tātau’ (TTR 2000:120). / Recently he made this statement, ‘As my ancestors stir restlessly in the bosom of our mountain, I will not be able to sleep at night until the mountain finally returns to us.'
Synonyms: kairangi, ikimoke, karore, irirangi, kārangirangi, tāhurihuri, ānau, hikimoke, kārangi, tītengi, kōkeko