nā konā anō/tonu ...
1. so that's the reason, so that's why - an idiom used when someone has had something explained to them and they finally realise the reason. Similar to 'the penny's dropped'.
Mai rā anō, he hoa piripono rāua. Ā kāti, nā konā tonu ia i haere ai ki te whakanui i tana huritau. / They have been close friends for ages. Ah! So that's why she went to her birthday celebrations.
nā whai anō ...
1. so that's the reason, so that's why, it's no wonder, it's not surprising, that'll be why, well that explains it - an idiom used when someone has had something explained to them and they finally realise the reason. Similar to 'the penny's dropped'. Also as inā whai anō.
He whaiāipo tā Ngāhuia. Nā whai anō ia i kore ai e haramai i taku taha ki te pikitia. / Ngāhuia has a boyfriend. So that's the reason she won't come to the movies with me.
Ko te āhua nei e rangirua tonu ana ngā whakaaro o te kāhui ariki tae noa ki te pōtitanga o 1931, ā, nā whai anō rā i tarea tonutia ai e Piupiu a Eketone te tautoko (TTR 1996:254). / It would seem that the King's family were quite ambivalent extending into the 1931 election, and it's no wonder Piupiu was able to support Eketone.
Tau: I tae atu a Tama Purotu ki te pō kanikani. Ira: Inā whai anō i hiahia ai a Hinerera ki te haere (HJ 2012:48). / Tau: Tama Purotu arrived at the dance. Ira: So that's why Hinerera wanted to go.
inā ake anō
1. so that's the reason, so that's why - an idiom used when someone has had something explained to them and they finally realise the reason. Similar to 'the penny's dropped'.
Uru: I tū te kēmu a Ngā Kaponga ki konei inapō. Pare: Inā ake anō i nui ai ngā tāngata i te tāone inanahi nei. / Uru: Ngā Kaponga's game was held here last night. Pare: So that's the reason there were so many people in town yesterday.
1. (noun) correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, plan, practice, convention, protocol - the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context .
Ko ngā pereti kai he rourou; kāore he paoka, kāore he naihi, arā i tino whakaritea katoatia ki tā te Māori tikanga (TP 1/12/1900:14). / The eating plates were flax food baskets; there were no knives and forks, that is everything was organised according to Māori custom.
Ko ngā tikanga pai e tika ana kia puritia kia mau, hei tikanga mau tonu mō ngā whakatupuranga, ahakoa tikanga whenua, taonga rānei, mahi ā-ringa, whai kai rānei, ngā whakahaere o te pakanga, ōna tūwaewae rānei, ehara anō hoki i te tikanga kino ngā tikanga Māori (TPH 30/8/1902:3) / It is right that the beneficial customs should be retained as lasting practices for future generations, whether they be customs relating to land or property, crafts or procuring food, the procedures for conducting war or for visitors, and Māori practices are not bad ones.
Synonyms: tikanga tuku iho, wānanga, tūmomo, momo, tū, māoritanga, māramatanga, tukanga, pēwheatanga, tāera, huarahi, ritenga, kawa, tino rangatiratanga, ture, kāwanatanga, rūri, whakatakotoranga, whakaaro, tītakataka, kaupapa, tātai, whakangārahu, mahere, whakatakoto, whakamahere, hoahoa, take, whakakaupapa
2. (noun) correct, right.
Kei te tautoko te iwi Māori i tēnei pire, nō te mea e kite ana rātou mā tēnei pire ka oti he tikanga e taea ai e rātou te rīhi i ō rātou whenua (RT 2013:81). / The Māori people are supporting this bill because they can see that with this bill they have a right whereby they will be able to lease their lands.
See also kei a [koe] te tikanga, (ko) te/tōna tikanga
Synonyms: ake, tika, matau, mōtika, tonu, matatika, tōtika, take, heipū
4. (noun) meaning, method, technique.
He aha te tikanga o taua kupu a Te Wharehuia i roto i tana whaikōrero? / What is the meaning of that word that Te Wharehuia used in his speech?
2. (experience verb) (-tia) to remember, recollect, bear in mind, know.
Kātahi ka haere ngā tāngata ki te moe, ka ora hoki te ngākau i te kohu kua mahea, e mahara ana ka rere pai tēnā tō rātou kaipuke ki te kāinga (TWMNT 10/3/1874:63). / Then the people went to sleep relieved that the fog had cleared and knowing that their ship could sail home.
Synonyms: hua, matatau, mātau, pūrangiaho, mōhio, whakamahara, whakamaumahara, manatu, maumahara
3. (experience verb) to be anxious.
Ka mahara anō te ngākau o te hoa o Hakawau, ka mea, "Kei konei pea māua mate ai" (NM 1928:148). / Hakawau's friend was anxious again and said, "Perhaps it is here that we will die."
4. (modifier) thoughtful.
He wahine ngākau mahara, he marere, he nihowera i āna mahi manaaki i ōna whanaunga, i ōna hoa Māori me te tini noa atu o te Pākehā (TTR 1994:18). / She was a thoughtful gracious woman and a generous host who gave hospitality to her relatives, her Māori friends as well as many Pākehā.
5. (noun) recollection, thought, memory, reasoning.
Nō tō mātau haerenga he wareware anake i a au taku hāmanu ki te wāhi i noho rā mātau. Kotahi māero pea mātau e haere ana, kātahi anō au ka puta mahara ake ki taku hāmanu, heoi ko taku hokinga mai tēnei ki te tiki i taku hāmanu (TPH 15/7/1901:3). / When we set off I forgot my ammunition which was at the place we were camped at. We had travelled approximately one mile when I finally remembered my ammunition and so I returned to get it.
Synonyms: maumaharatanga, hokinga mahara, pūmaharatanga, whakamahara
6. (noun) spleen.
Ka oti te tinana, ka kumea ngā ringaringa, ka kumea ngā waewae, ka pokaia te tara, ka kumea ngā raho, ka whakanohoia ngā puapua, ngā werewere, ngā hanahana, te katitohe, ka kumea te tonetone, ka pokaia te kumu, ka whakanohoia te piro me te puku, te mahara, te ate, ngā tākihi, te tōngāmimi, ka hangā te ārai, ka oti katoa ngā mea o te tinana (HWM 27). / When the body was completed, the arms and legs were drawn out, the vagina was pierced, the labia majora was drawn out, and the ovaries, the labia minora, the vulva, and the hymen were implanted, the clitoris was drawn out, the anus was pierced and the odour, the stomach, the spleen, the liver, the kidneys and the bladder were implanted, and the diaphragm was made and the body was completed.
1. (noun) reason, cause, origin, base.
Tūmanako tonu te ngākau o Tōpia kia whiwhi anō rātou i te tai moana o te awa o Whanganui, ka noho ko ōna pā kei te tata tonu ki Pipiriki hei pūnga māna i te kōkiritanga (TTR 1994:195). / Tōpia wanted to reclaim the Whanganui coast and his pā remained quite close to Pipiriki as his bases from which to attack.
Synonyms: mea, tikanga, takunetanga, pū, ahunga, orokohanga, mātāwai, kunenga, ūkaipō, pī, orokohanganga, take, pūtake, takenga, toi
papa kore
1. (modifier) pointless, for no reason, futile, senseless, needless.
Hei reira hoki ngā mōrehu te pōuri ai ki te maumau o ana huanga i mate papa kore noa iho i roto i tēnei pakanga (TWM 2/4/1864:2). / And the survivors are there despondent about the waste of their relatives who died quite pointlessly in this war.
Synonyms: pōrewarewa, pōrewharewha, makihoi, kūrapa, koretake, hakihakiā, huhuakore, kikokore, huakore
i konā
1. therefore, consequently, hence, accordingly, for that reason, as a result.
I te wā anō o te whakahekenga ka riro i a ia te whakahaere i tētahi kaupapa hei tiaki awa, ā, i konā tere tonu te huri atu ki te whakauka i te awa o Ōroua, whai mahi ana hoki ngā tāne Māori (TTR 1998:32). / At the time of the depression he also supervised a project to look after the river, and as a result it facilitated urgent conservation work along the Oroua River and provided employment for Māori men.
Synonyms: nā konā, nā konei, nā reira, nō konā, nō reira, heoi, heoti, hoi, hoi anō, oti anō, wheoi
1. (verb) (meinga,meingatia,meatingia,-tia) to say, speak, do, deal with, think, intend, make, use.
Ka mea te iwi ki a Tā Hōri Kerei, kia haere ki te whakamahau o te whare o Te Mānihera kia harirū rātou (TW 20/4/1878:180). / The people asked Sir George Grey to go to the verandah of Mr Maunsell's house so that they could shake hands.
Ka hangā he tāone ki te kūititanga meinga ana te ingoa ko Panama (TWMNT 27/8/1873:102). / A town was built at the isthmus and it is called Panama.
See also meinga, meingatia, meatingia
Synonyms: kōrero, waihanga, whakahangahanga, whaihanga, mahi, hanga, āhua, pepeha, hamumu, wani, whakahua, kīkī, puaki, kī, hangahanga
2. (noun) thing, object, property, one, reason, thingumajig, thingy, thingummy, whatcha-me-call-it, what-d'you-call-it, the one, that thing, whatsit - a word used to replace the name of something, often when a speaker has momentarily forgotten the correct word. It may function as a personal name, a location word, a noun or a verb (see other sub entries).
3. (personal name) thingumabob, thingamy, what's-his-name, so-and-so - a word used when one has forgotten, or does not know, the person's name.
I kōrero au ki a Mea - Ko wai tōna ingoa? / I talked to Thingumebob - what's her name?
4. (location) such-and-such a place - a word used for a place when one has forgotten the name.
I tae rātou ki Mea - kua wareware te ingoa i a au. / They arrived at such and such a place - I've forgotten the name.
5. (particle) soon (to denote a lapse of time).
6. (particle) Used with he and a verb as an alternative passive for past time.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 42;)
He mea tūraki te whare e te taraka. / The house was demolished by the truck.
7. such-and-such, so-and-so, somewhere, at some time - used before a noun, location, people or time to generalise or avoid saying a specific name.
Paku noa iho te kī atu ki konei tātou, e kare mā, ā mea wā ki mea wāhi, e kare mā, me noho tahi tātou, e kare mā (HM 4/1996:1). / We speak just briefly here, my friends, but at some time in the future and somewhere we will sit together.
He aha i whiriwhiria ai ko mea mā hai haere ki te Kura Āpiha i Trentham (HP 1991:117). / Why were he and the others selected to go to the Officers School at Trentham.
Koinei te pai o ēnei wānanga, ka haramai a mea tohunga me ōna mātauranga, a mea tohunga me ōna, hei āta whakaaroaro, hei āta tuitui haere mā te hunga whakarongo (HJ 2012:180). / This is the good thing about these seminars, each expert comes with her knowledge for the audience to mull over and blend together.
nā konā
1. therefore, consequently, as a result, accordingly, on that account, for that reason, hence, thus.
Ko tāna ki a rāua he whiu, arā, me e whai tamariki ana ka whānau mai, me tuku te tamaiti mā ētehi kē e taurima. Nā konā i ora katoa ai ngā tamariki a Maata, nā ōna whanaunga kē i whakatipu (TTR 1996:230). / He informed the couple that if they had children their penalty was to forfeit the care of their offspring to others. Accordingly, Maata's children were all brought up by her relatives.
Synonyms: i konā, nā konei, nā reira, nō konā, nō reira, heoi, heoti, hoi, hoi anō, oti anō, wheoi
whakaaro pānga riterite
1. (noun) proportional reasoning (maths).
Ko te whakaaro pānga riterite te momo whakaaro ka hua mai i te pānga tāpiripiri, i te pānga whakarea rānei kei waenganui i ētahi rahinga e rua, ētahi taurangi e rua rānei (TRP 2010:319). / Proportional reasoning is the type of thinking that arises from seeing an additive or multiplicative relationship between two quantities or variables (TRP 2010:319).
whakaaro tāpiripiri
1. (noun) additive reasoning.
E rua ngā whakautu e hāngai ana ki tēnei rapanga. Ko tētahi e whai ana i te whakaaro tāpiripiri, ko tētahi e whai ana i te whakaaro whakarea. E rua e rua, he whakaaro pānga riterite (TRP 2010:319). / There are two responses relevant to this problem. One is following additive reasoning, the other is following multiplicative reasoning. Both are proportional reasoning.
whakaaro whakarea
1. (noun) multiplicative reasoning.
E rua ngā whakautu e hāngai ana ki tēnei rapanga. Ko tētahi e whai ana i te whakaaro tāpiripiri, ko tētahi e whai ana i te whakaaro whakarea. E rua e rua, he whakaaro pānga riterite (TRP 2010:319). / There are two responses relevant to this problem. One is following additive reasoning, the other is following multiplicative reasoning. Both are proportional reasoning.
nā reira
1. therefore, that's why, so, consequently, for that reason, hence, thus, accordingly.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 2;)
He nui tonu rātou i mōhio rawa atu ki te kuia nei, nā reira me pēhea e taea ai te roimata te pupuri? (HM 4/2009:1) / Many of them knew this elderly woman well, so how could they hold their tears back?
See also nō reira
Synonyms: i konā, nā konā, nā konei, nō konā, nō reira, heoi, heoti, hoi, hoi anō, oti anō, wheoi
1. (particle) only, solely, just, merely, quite, until, at random, idly, fruitlessly, in vain, as soon as, without restraint, freely, unimpeded, unbridled, casually, easily, without any fuss, suddenly, unexpectedly, spontaneously, instinctively, intuitively, by accident, unintentionally, without restriction, without conditions, randomly, without knowing why, to no avail, for no good reason, very, exceedingly, absolutely, already, right up until - a manner particle following immediately after the word it relates to. Denotes an absence of limitations or conditions. Often occurs in combination with other particles, e.g. noa iho. Where noa follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. As with other manner particles in Māori, while having a general overall meaning, noa can be translated in a variety of ways, depending on the context.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 91-92;)
Tekau mita noa pea hei omanga māku. / I probably had only 10 metres to run.
He nui ngā whenua i tukua noatia, i hokona rānei e Kahutia ki ngā tāngata whai me te kāwanatanga (TTR 1994:33). / Kahutia had given and sold considerable areas of land to settlers and the government.
Tēnei hoki tētahi minita Pākehā kei konei, i mate tana mokopuna, kawea ana ki te nehu, ā, i tīmata anō ia i te karakia nehu. Nō te tukunga iho ki te poka oma ana ia, kīhai i mutu tana karakia nehu, ā, tanumia noatia iho e ngā tāngata hāpai (TWMNT 13/3/1877:76). / And then there was a Pākehā minister here whose grandchild died and when she was taken to the burial he began the burial service. When she was being lowered into the grave he fled without finishing his burial service and she was just buried by the pallbearers without ceremony.
See also noa ake, noa atu, noa iho
Synonyms: ā, anake, anahe, nahe, matapōkere, ia, ia rā, heipū, mārie, mārika, mārire, hengahenga, kāhua, (ko) tōna ... (nei), kau, koia, rawa, āhua, anō, tino, kere, āta, hangehange, ake, tata, tika, noa iho, tou, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu
2. (verb) to be free from the extensions of tapu, ordinary, unrestricted, void.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 237-240; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 6;)
Puta mai ai te tangata i te urupā, me tāuhi ia i ōna ringaringa me tōna upoko ki te wai kia noa ai ia. / When a person comes out of a cemetery he/she should sprinkle water on his/her hands and head so that she/he is freed from tapu.
See also tapu, rāhui, whakanoa
Synonyms: māori, kai parāoa, kaipaipa, kai paipa
nō konā
1. therefore, consequently, hence, accordingly, for that reason, as a result.
I te tekau tau atu i 1920, ka riro ko Takurua tētahi o ngā tino kaiwhakahau i te whakatōpūtanga o ngā whenua tūturu Māori tae atu ki ngā whenua i raro i te Karauna i roto i te rohe pōtae o Tūhoe, ā, nō konā ka piri tahi ia ki a Āpirana Ngata (TTR 1998:193). / In the 1920s Takurua became one of the main advocates of the consolidation of Māori and Crown lands within the Tūhoe district, and consequently became associated with Āpirana Ngata.
Synonyms: i konā, nā konā, nā konei, nā reira, nō reira, heoi, heoti, hoi, hoi anō, oti anō, wheoi
nō reira
1. therefore, thereby, that's why, so, consequently, for that reason, hence, thus, accordingly.
Ko ngā kaimahi i te perehi o te pepa he Pākehā, kāore rawa he mōhiotanga ki te reo Māori. Nō reira i tono atu ai te etita kia mārama te tuhituhi mai (TTT 1/11/1924:138). / The workers of the newspaper's press are Pākehā who have absolutely no knowledge of the Māori language. Consequently the editor requested that your writing should be clear.
Synonyms: i konā, nā konā, nā konei, nā reira, nō konā, heoi, heoti, hoi, hoi anō, oti anō, wheoi
1. (particle) alone, by oneself, solitarily, bare, empty, naked, without hindrance, unreservedly, to no purpose, purely and simply, solely, exclusively, only, merely, just, idle, inactive, for no particular reason, in vain, to no avail, helplessly, none at all, very, seriously, totally - a manner particle indicating the absence of other factors. Where kau follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from kau. As with other manner particles in Māori, while having a general overall meaning, kau can be translated in a variety of ways, depending on the context.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 91-92;)
Rapu kau ana a Tāwhiri-mātea, kua hunaia e Papa-tū-ā-nuku ana tamariki. / Tāwhiri-mātea searched everywhere, but Papa-tū-ā-nuku had hidden her children.
Ka whaowhia te kūmara ki roto, kī tonu, kore rawa he wāhi i āputa, arā i takoto kau noa iho, kī tonu (JPS 1926:95). / The kūmara were put in it, and filled it up, there was no open space remaining, that is it was absolutely full.
Synonyms: katoa, tata, tika, tou, noa, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, mārie, mārika, mārire, kāhore kau, anake, anahe, nahe, ake, kiri kau, kirikau, tahanga, hahake, pakiwhara
2. (particle) as soon as, no sooner had - a slight variation from the general meaning above where kau is used to indicate immediacy.
Utua kautia te moni tuatahi ki a Te Teira me tōna iwi, tukuna atu ana e te kāwanatanga ngā kairūri (TTR 1990:291). / As soon as the first payment was made to Te Teira and his people, the government sent in the surveyors.