2. (noun) worthlessness.
Kāore noa i oti tana whaikōrero ka tū ake tētahi o ngā wāhine o tana rōpū ake ka karawhiu i te waiata, nā, ka mutu tana whaikōrero i konā. Ko taku whakaaro i pēnei ai rātou, ngā wāhine, nā te whakamā haere i te kore e whai hua, nā te koretake, nā te hakihakiā haere rānei, o ngā kupu a tō rātou kaikōrero (Rewi 2005:289). / His speech was not even finished when one of the women of his group stood up and began the song, and so his speech ended at that point. In my opinion they, the women, did this because they were becoming embarrassed with the pointlessness, the incompetence, or the worthlessness of what their speaker was saying.