



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to set down, lay down, place, submit.

Me kōrorirori ēnei katoa, me whakatakoto ki te kāpata kia kotahi hāora; hei reira ka riringi ki roto kia kotahi panikena wai āhua werawera (KA 1/1/1862:30). / These should all be stirred and then placed in a cupboard for one hour; then pour in one pannikin of quite hot water.

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Synonyms: makamaka, maka, moka, panga, whakatū, wāhanga, whakanoho, whakanohonoho, whiu, taiwhanga, wāhi, kopou, whiuwhiu

2. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to lay out, determine, set in place.

Ka wehe a Tau-wheoro ki te pito whakawaho, ka whakatakotoria te rohe ki Makauri; ko Tau-wheoro ki te pito whakawaho, ko ngā tungāne ki te taha whakauta (M 2006:398). / Tau-wheoro separated off to the outer end and a boundary was determined at Makauri; and her brothers occupied the inland part.

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Synonyms: hoahoa, tahora, hoa, rora, whakakaupapa,

3. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to organise, plan.

Kua whakatakototia e kā rakatira a Kāi Tahu kā matua; he matua kē ki tātahi, he matua kē ki roto ki te awa, he matua kē ki te wāhi e heke mai ana te matua a Te Kaurepa (MT 2011:77). / The Ngāi Tahu chiefs had organised the divisions; a division on the beach, another in the river and another to the place where Te Kaurapa's army was coming from.

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Synonyms: tītakataka, whakarite, whakahaere, mahere, whakamahere, hoahoa, pēwheatanga, take, whakakaupapa, whakatakotoranga, whakaaro, kaupapa, tikanga, tātai, whakangārahu

4. (modifier) presented, laid down.

Ahakoa i utua ētehi o āna haere e te Poari Kaitiaki, ko ngā koha whakatakoto ki ngā marae nō tōna pūkoro tonu (TTR 1998:200). / Although some of his travel expenses were paid for by the Trust Board, the gifts presented to the marae were from his own pocket.

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5. (noun) plan, proposal, strategy.

He whakatakoto tikanga, ā, whakaaro anō hoki, ki mua i te Kāwanatanga e puta ai hei painga mō te iwi Māori (TTT 1/10/1931:61). / A strategy and ideas are before the Government that will bring benefits for the Māori people.

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Synonyms: kaupapa, marohi, whakakaupapa

6. (noun) laying out, arrangement, configuration, composition, structure, pattern, format.

Ehara tēnei i te waiata tohunga rawa te whakatakoto o ōna kupu (M 2006:380). / This song is not of a priestly character in its composition (M 2006:381).

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Synonyms: tauira

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